Rule Of The Taliban Latifa Deal Life

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live as an Afghan girl under the rule of the Taliban? This question is answered in the book My Forbidden Face. Latifa, a young Afghan girl, discusses her struggles throughout the book. Latifa faces several different problems while being under the rule of the Taliban. She handles these problems with the best of her ability. First of all, Latifa had to deal with the struggles her mom was facing. Latifa’s mother was very ill so she dealt with the situation by trying to help her mother out in every way possible.

Latifa was always there to comfort her mom. Latifa’s mother was also struggling with not being able to work. Because women weren’t allowed to do anything in the Afghan society, Latifa opened a school for the apartment children. Latifa’s mother managed to help out by cooking, which she considered a form of work. She watched her children be mistreated throughout the Taliban rule. Latifa had all intentions of receiving an education but she couldn’t go to school due to the laws of the Taliban.

Latifa’s mother saw strong ambitions in her daughter so she encouraged her to believe in herself and always do her best. Latifa managed to deal with her mom’s struggles very well. Secondly, Latifa had to deal with the way women were treated in the Afghan society. Women weren’t allowed to go outside of their homes without the company of their father or brother. Latifa managed to deal with this by staying inside.

She knew she wouldn’t have to deal with the Taliban if she avoided them. Latifa also couldn’t stand the fact that women couldn’t hold jobs. She opened up a school for the children of her apartment complex knowing there would be harsh consequences if caught. She also had to deal with knowing her mother and sister had to give their jobs up. Women were also required to dress in certain clothing. Latifa claimed she couldn’t walk in the long skirts and couldn’t breathe under the facial clothing.

Latifa liked to wear nail polish and earrings but this privilege was taken away when the Taliban came into power. Women were treated very badly under the Taliban rule, but Latifa found ways to deal with it. Thirdly, Latifa had to deal with her own illness of depression and learned to deal with this by reading. She read books about English to stay caught up on her studies at the university. Latifa also read to take her mind off all the problems she was facing. By reading all she could she managed to take her mind off all the problems she was facing.

She felt seclusion from her friends. She was seen on a few occasions crying in her room because of being lonely. Latifa was used to going to school and hanging out with friends but it was cut short under the Taliban rule. Another reason for her depression was due to her mom being sick. Latifa loved her mother deeply and couldn’t stand for her to witness all the horrid things the Taliban was doing. This caused her to begin thinking about the way life used to be ultimately falling into a state of depression.

Her depression was due to being lonely and bored. Lastly, Latifa had to deal with not being able to go to school. Latifa had the will to get through school and make an impact on her life and others. She was determined to live the life of a person who was financially stable.

Latifa realized that receiving a secondary education would benefit her in many ways. She thought that she could help other people get by, much like the ways of Heather and Dayna in the book Prisoners of Hope. She also realized that life would be much better for her financially too. Latifa realized her dreams were crumbling shortly after the Taliban took over.

She tried to face the facts but problems, such as depression and boredom, took over. She began to give up on her dreams and goals in life. She had great goals set for herself but under the rule of the Taliban achieving these goals seemed almost impossible. In conclusion, reading this book has helped me realize the life of a young Afghan woman is nothing compared to life as we know it in our country.

I can only imagine the hardships of being a female under the rule of the Taliban. Latifa was determined to get a better education and live a good life. This book has made me realize that everyone is treated differently. Maybe one day this world will unite and peace will be in our future.