2 Paintings Modanno W Child And Angels

The painting called Madonna and Child with and Dominic and Angels by Giulio Cesare Procaccini is one of many paintings labeled masterpiece. This painting contains brilliant brushwork and messages that are indirect. This painting was done in Milan Italy any where from 1574-1625. It is 101 1/8 x 56 3/8 in. (256. 9 x 143.

2 cm) and painted on canvas with oil. In the picture all the faces are looking at the child that is held by Mary. Saint Francis is dressed in a long cloak with a hood in one hand he hold a wooden cross and in the other hand an apple that he giving to the virgin mother. Saint Dominic is on the other side of Mary who is elevated above everyone else. Saint Dominic seems to be falling backward in awe of Mary.

There are angels all around with roses in a vase. One angel is playing the guitar the others are just hanging around Mary. The Christ child is on Marys lap he looks straight out. Giulio Cesare Procaccini shows the figures as full and having realistic mass.

He gives the illusion of layering that one person is in front of the other. The artist leaves no space between figures; every spot is filled with a body or object. There is an emphasis on the Christ child his eyes look directly at you through this portrait. There is a sense of rhythm that everyone in the painting is just flows around Mary.

There is balance in figures and the proportion is exact. There seems to be a unity that everyone hovered around the virgin to watch her. The emphasis on the child gives a focus point to help tie up the picture together. The tight composition and the perfect brushstroke aids to make this painting perfect. In this portrait there is no sense of gravity Mary and the angels are in the air with nothing holding them down.

Saint Francis and Saint Dominic are the only ones who are standing and the look realistic. Giulio Cesare Procaccini narrative is trying to say tha Saint Francis is man and is giving Mary an apple. That show that man is handing over himself and everything he has to Christianity. He is showing his love for Mary and giving all he has to her. Then Saint Dominic is falling backwards when he sees Mary he almost shows surprise when he sees her and falls back. I believe that this is showing that he is almost bowing down to her that he falls from her excellently.

The flowers are a gift for the women that means she in praise worthy for she will rule everyone until her son is born. The angles appear that they are used to Mary and that they must follow her around a lot. They appear calm and seem to have great love for the virgin. Saint Dominic and Saint Francis do not appear that they are used to Mary and baby Christs presence. The artist is trying to say that everyone should hold great respect for Mary and Christ. That you should worship them and give all you have to them.

Giving all you have to them that Saint Francis shows by giving Mary the apple shows that he trusts her and that Christ and Mary will lead him down the right path. The viewpoint that Giulio Cesare Procaccini takes is that Christianity is the only way to go and it is a religion you can put all of your trust into. At first when I had looked at the picture I thought it was unclear and I really did not like it. I looked like a mess of characters going their own way. But as I looked into the dark shadows and tried to put the pieces together and make sense of it I was able to tell that this portrait is giving me a clear message. This work of art by Giulio Cesare Procaccini tells me to put my faith in Christ and to follow only him.

He is trying to say that happiness relies on Christ and only Christ. Giulio Cesare Procaccini puts a very strong message into this painting and it has affected me to think about my faith in God. It forces me to think about if I am being a good catholic and it also makes me think about if I really just in our Lord. If I could give everything I have to Christ just like how Saint Francis gives what he has to Mary the virgin mother. Saint Dominic shows that Christ is great and the Catholics should praise him. That also makes me refer to myself and if I am praying enough and do I attend church enough.
