Derek Deusenberry 1296 Period 1 5/21/01 Title: Frog Dissection Purpose: To learn the external and internal parts of the frog. Materials: dissecting pan, probe, pins, scissors, scalpel, frog, paper, pencil, paper bags, paper towels, and water. Procedure: The frog was placed in the dissecting pan. The legs of the frog were pinned after they were straight. We were to examine the external parts of the frog. A dorsal picture was drawn.
We cut the skin on the leg to look at the hinged leg. The hinges at the jaws were cut apart to allow more room for viewing. We looked at the tong to see how it was attached. We made a cut from the jaw down to the legs to look at the internal structure of the frog. We looked at the Lymph nodes. Then we cut horizontal slits on the stomach to revile more internal area then the flaps were pinned back.
All the internal organs were looked at and we maid a drawing. Then we removed the internals and maid another drawing. Observation: The frog was not very amazing from the out side cause it’s a frog I’ve seen then before but to see the insides of one. All the talk in class of how their digestive systems work sort of makes sense after you see if with your own eyes instead of just hear about it. Most of there insides were easy to identify but some were not.
Conclusion: All in all, the frog was a really good living thing to dissect. Most of its parts were easy to identify and really see how everything works together. When you get to see this kind of stuff like this it helps to understand everything a lot better and you can learn these animals structures and what make them work a lot better.