This is my Comparison/Contrast Essay: The topic that I choose is Two Ways to belong in America.” My personal experiences with different culture and Bharati’s relationship with her sister are very similar to my own; however I have different experiences in the marriage and feelings of belonging. Bharati and I have one obvious similarity, which is coming from a different culture outside United States. She was born and grew up in India. She came to the U.
S. after she graduated from university of Calcutta. I was born and grew up in Egypt, and came to the U. S.
after I graduated from University of Alexandria. In India the maim language is English because there are so many languages and the main custom in clothe is Sari e. In Egypt the main language is Arabic and the second language is English. The clothes are very much like here on the U. S. except in the holidays most people like to wear the traditional clothes.
Bharati observation on the relationship between sisters is similar to my own experiences. She states, Mira and I have stayed sisterly close by phone. In our regular Sunday morning conversations, we are un guardedly affectionate (341). This is one of my main weaknesses. I have my sister who lives in Egypt and I always call her every two weeks. We talk about everything and anything.
I like to know what is going on with her life and she likes to know what is going on with my life too. Although my experience in the way I got married is similar to Bharati, which is marrying the American way, my personal experience with marriage is different from the authors. She stayed happily married, maybe because she married a person who is on the same level of education as her. She said, I married a fellow student, an American of Canadian parentage (341).
For me I was not happily married and I am a single mother now. I think that is because I married a person who is different from me in so many ways In the beginning I thought he was the one, but after marriage the wax melted and the real him appeared. One of the main problem I could not get over was how he left five kids behind him and not even an ounce of guilt in his consciousness. Another difference between the authors experience and my experience is the way of belonging. She said, I need to feel like a part of the community I have adopted (as I tried to feel in Canada as well) (342). Bharati and I differ, because I have been moving around so many times it is so hard for me to feel connected and then move again.
This feeling started in Egypt and I have had hard time getting over it. Although I was born in Egypt, the authorities did not consider me as an Egyptian. So I had been always treated as an outsider even though I had obeyed all the rules, I had paid my taxes, and I loved my work and my neighbors. I loved my Egyptian friend that I made. Then I moved to Yemen and I lived there for 6 years. I really loved the people their, and my best friend but I always had been treated as a foreign person.
I think that is why it is so hard for me to feel belong.