It is impossible to briefly run through all the problems of a hypothesis advanced, so only its main assumptions almost unsupportable by factual evidence are given in the present paper. In my opinion, the hypothesis as a whole is provable. It can partly be proved by knowledge of today and expected in the future. 1.
The Origin and the Structure of our Universe I suppose that the Universe we can observe and cognize consists of self-developing hierarchically co-subordinate and genetically relative systems of cosmic bodies. Each of the systems is distinguished by the qualitative state of substance composing its bodies but main evolution mechanisms are common to all the systems. What is common to all the systems? The central most massive body of every system is a parental body for its younger members. The central massive body of every system at intervals conceives in its interiors new cosmic bodies to put them into initial (circus-parental) orbits. In other words, the central body of every system stimulates newborn bodies to move under their own momentum (along a straight line) and to rotate about its axis due to its own gravitational attraction force.
But the central gravitating body constantly and intensely loses its mass (photon and corpuscular). So, the orbits of newborn bodies are (must be) spiral-like rather than closed due to the law of universal gravitation. It means that newborn bodies move away from their parental body that is every system expands. It should be noted that every cosmic body is imponderable, i. e.
it undergoes gravitational interaction with other bodies. What is the cause? The cause is that imponderability is provided by a certain orbital rate of the body controlled by the law of universal gravitation. The rate depends on radius of the body orbit relative to the system’s central body: the more is the orbit radius, the less orbital rate the body needs to be imponderable. It can be seen from the motion of the Solar System’s planets, satellites of giant planets and from the Earth’s artificial satellites launched by man. The motion of both artificial satellites and cosmic bodies is governed by the same laws. I suppose that our Universe consists of hierarchically relative systems as follows: The first system: the Origin – the central gravitating body of our Universe, and its born nuclei of super-galaxies (the Origin is not considered in the present work).
The second system: nuclei of super-galaxies and their born nuclei of galaxies. The third system: nuclei of galaxies and their born stars. The fourth system: stars and their born planets including giant planets, comets, meteorites. The fifth system: giant planets and their born satellites, comets, meteorites. One specific feature of the system hierarchy should be noted. The central parental body of every system mentioned has its own sphere of gravity response predetermined by its mass.
Radius of the Earth’s gravity response sphere is known to be 930 thous km. The Sun and the Earth show nearly equal gravity response to interplanetary stations at the boundary of this sphere. If a station comes out of the sphere of the radius mentioned, it is already subject to gravity response of the Sun. The Sun, with its own sphere of gravity response to planets is, in its turn, involved into the sphere of gravity response of the Milky Way Galaxy’s nucleus, etc. It should be noted that systemic structure of the Universe (not the origin of systems) was suggested as early as the mid-18 th century by Immanuel Kant and Johan Lambert independently of each other.
So I as if turn back to the past but do not consider this a regress. Why? Because this idea of our Universe provides explanation for many problems which could not be explained by a non-systemic relativistic model of the expanding Universe best known as Big-Bang Model. 2. Formation Mechanism of Cosmic Bodies Gravitational forces are commonly used by theorists to construct condensation or accretion models of the formation of cosmic bodies (galaxies, stars, planets).
It should be admitted, that gravitation is incapable of producing cosmic bodies if the law of universal gravitation holds. An idea that gravitation can produce the Earth’s sphere was called into question as long ago as by Newton. He proved that gravitational forces are zero in the center of any homogeneous sphere and so he found no reasons for the planet sphere embryo to be formed. Moreover, Newton stated that pressure was also zero in the center of any homogeneous sphere.
From this follows that the temperature cannot be high in the sphere center since precisely gravitation and pressure are responsible for the substance to be heated in nuclei of any cosmic body, that is inferred from theoretic models presently available. So, I suppose that nearly all (exceptions exist) cosmic bodies (giant planets satellites, planets, stars, etc. ) were conceived and formed in plasma of their parents by electromagnetic forces, and mechanism of their origin was controlled by such features of plasma as the state of substance. Plasma is known to be ionized gas containing nearly equal amounts of positively and negatively charged particles.
Apart from the charge, free and randomly moving in plasma particles have intrinsic magnetic moment and turning moment (spin). Plasma is characterized by high electric conductivity, intense interaction with the external magnetic field and can be controlled by the latter with ease. It should be noted that charged particles building up plasma of stars, nuclei of galaxies, super-galaxies and of the Origin must differ qualitatively. In general case their energies must increase (approx. 1000 times) in each hierarchically elder sphere. In this connection I suppose that in some volume of plasma of the parental body, under the action of its powerful, probably focused magnetic field, spins of all charged particles as magnetic arrows begin showing common direction reversed to the external magnetic field.
As a result, the random thermal motion of particles stops (temperature of plasma decreases) and differently charged particles under the Coulomb’s forces are combined to produce dipole pairs which then are united into a sphere by rapid chain reaction. Why into a sphere? Because the interaction force of two dipole systems (dipole pairs) is in direct proportion to the product of dipole moments and in inverse proportion to the cube of their interspace’s. F = d 1. d 2 / r 3 The sphere volume is known to be also in proportion to the cube of its radius, i.
e. dipole pairs under electric gravity forces can produce only a sphere. Particles produce a sphere of solid substance with a common crystal lattice. But in this case, the newly formed sphere as a system of linked particles takes turning and magnetic moments from all the particles away according to the law of conservation of angular momentum and starts rotating about its axis.
Thereby, the sphere generates its own magnetic field reversed to the external magnetic field. This explains the problem: why do all cosmic bodies (planets, stars, etc. ) rotate about their axes and have magnetic fields. Moreover, it is very important and really new solid substance of the newborn sphere must show temperature of absolute zero (-273 C) or about.
Why? Because substances of such low temperatures possess a number of properties (superconductivity, non-magnetization, steady electric currents producing one more magnetic field can be induced in its surficial layer by the external magnetic field) which allow them to survive high temperatures of plasma. So, we obtained the fast-rotating sphere consisting of dense solid substance of temperature close to absolute zero, which has a thick magnetic sphere reversed to the external magnetic field. Due to the latter fact the sphere is at ‘suspended’s tate and protected from temperature attack of plasma. A possibility of this supposition to be realized in nature has been supported by laboratory tests. A solid substance of temperature close to absolute zero was obtained from neutral gas by a method of laser rate deceleration of its constituent atoms. Physical tests showed that a superconductive sphere may be suspended over superconductor with steady current if the weight of the sphere is balanced by repulsive forces of opposing magnetic fields of the bodies mentioned.
However, I think that the total sphere of a cosmic body (planet, star or galaxy nucleus) cannot be formed from a single-act fast chain reaction of dipole pair linkage. It would not agree with the evolution laws. The evolution implies that any process is prolonged. The sphere described above is only the embryo of a cosmic body, which is intermittently covered by new layers of the solid substance of temperature close to absolute zero. The proposed regulation mechanism of intermittent coverage of the embryo by new layers is governed by the capability of most of the cosmic bodies to reverse periodically their magnetic field polarity. Suppose, that magnetic field of the parental body reverses its direction.
The embryo with magnetic field always reversed to the external one must turn over from ‘up’ to ‘down’ position. Then the embryo is covered by new layer of dense superconductive substance. But in this case, ‘congealed’s pins of dipole pairs of new layer are to be reversed to spins of embryonic dipoles. Then these actions recur every new inversion of the parental body’s magnetic field. It is important that ‘congealed’s pins of dipoles from every over layer will be reversed to those from the underlayer. How long can cycles of the sphere coverage recur? I think that they can recur for as long as electromagnetic forces of the parental body are capable of controlling over the embryo.
As the embryo increases in size, its electromagnetic forces and forces of the parental body level off. Since this moment the embryo becomes mature and is no longer covered. It follows here from that the more are absolute values of electromagnetic forces of parental bodies, the more are masses of newborn cosmic bodies. Parental bodies do have possibilities to put into orbits their newborn cosmic bodies.
Observations show that huge single-act energy release with ejection of a great body of substance into the space occur in stars and nuclei of active galaxies. And what is ahead of cosmic bodies put into the orbit? I suppose that they decompose to form plasma again. Decomposition proceeds slowly like of unstable radioactive chemical elements, and with heat release. It proceeds layer-by-layer: first turned into plasma is the upper layer, then the underlayer, etc; the substance of the sphere nucleus remaining solid at temperature close to absolute zero. It is important that decomposition of every next layer of the sphere is accompanied by inversion of its magnetic field. As it was noted, spins of dipole pairs always show reversed direction in adjoining congealed layers, and their orientation is finally responsible for the direction of the sphere magnetic field.
When the solid congealed sphere nucleus is covered by a fairly thick layer of high-temperature plasma, the new cosmic body gains the capacity to produce the next generation of cosmic bodies. In conclusion, I would like to explain why the substance in nuclei of all cosmic bodies is supposed to be of temperature close to absolute zero. Because at this temperature entropy becomes zero and thermodynamic systems of cosmic bodies are stable. It is this fact that provides their prolonged existence (billions years). All evolutionary changes of matter occur mainly in surficial layers of cosmic bodies where temperatures are contrast (positive and negative). If high temperatures (millions degrees) occur in nuclei of cosmic bodies, they would not be stable according to the law of increasing entropy (the second law of thermodynamics).
3. The origin, life and death of stars All stars were born in plasma of galactic nuclei and put by them into initial orbits as a dense layered neutron sphere fast-rotating about its axis and showing temperature close to absolute zero in the nucleus. Stars spiral away from the galactic nucleus, i. e.
star systems expand. First-born stars are now at the periphery of the galaxy, the recent ones – close to its center. Stars derive energy from decomposition of neutron into proton and electron with energy y release of 1 mev. The decomposition proceeds layer-by-layer, that results in pulsation of stars and in their capability of in versing magnetic field. Moving away from the center to the periphery of the galaxy, stars pass through the following evolutionary raw: neutron stars (pulsar) – white dwarf – blue stars – and then throughout the spectrum up to red stars. Periods of magnetic fields inversions and energetic pulsations take fractions of second at the stage of pulsar, minutes – at the stage of white dwarf, hours and days – at the stage of blue Cepheid variables, and years at the stage of yellow stars.
The total cycle of activity of the Sun is 22 years. Even longer periods of pulsations must be characteristic of red stars. Deceleration of stars rotation about their axes occurs in the same direction according to the law of conservation of angular momentum (from very fast of young pulsars to very slow of old red stars). It should be noted here that the latest data obtained from observations for seismic waves in the Sun’s chromosphere, the Sun’s nucleus is solid and hence cannot show thermonuclear reactions and temperatures of millions degrees. The death of stars implies their extinction and cooling down. Cooled stars compose a dark non-luminous mass arranged around galaxies.
These stars seem to be beyond the sphere of gravity response of galactic nuclei, so the dark mass itself is their new gravity hierarch. That is why the distribution of orbital rates of galactic stars is much more complicated than of the Solar System’s planets. But as a whole, stars follow their orbits according to the Newton’s law of universal gravitation and Kepler’s laws. Mature stars (blue-yellow spectral classes) are capable of producing planets. Newborn planets must have plasma atmosphere and the solid dense core of negative temperature, i.
e. they must look like stars. A bin ar star system – a small-mass star rotates about one of greater mass – is nothing but a planetary system. Life expectancy of stars – from the origin up to the ingress into the dark mass (the cemetery of stars) is about 20 billion years.
4. The origin of the Solar System’s bodies All the Solar System’s bodies rotating about the Sun (planets, comets, asteroids, meteorites) were born in its plasma at different times and put by the Sun into their orbits. Planets were put by the Sun into initial (circumsolar) orbits at 1, 2-1, 7 ben. yrs intervals as dense layered spheres with inner temperatures close to absolute zero. Their layers were composed by atoms of chemical elements: to every layer corresponded a certain chemical element. The spheres had the hot plasma atmosphere and own luminosity.
Planetary orbits are spiral-like rather than closed, i. e. every planet moves away from the Sun. The first-born Neptun and Pluto about 12 ben.
yrs old have already moved to the Solar System’s periphery, while the young Mercury 1, 7 ben. yrs old rotates relatively close to the Sun. A very young planet several ten thousand years old is supposed to exist. Its orbit is in the immediate vicinity of the Sun – inside its corona.
This young planet is small, has its own luminosity, probably of the same brightness the Sun has, thus being difficult to recognize against the Sun. Rotation period of the Young planet is 8-10 hours. Satellites of giant planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptun) were born by them and put into the orbits, i. e. they are ‘grandchildren’ of the Sun. The rest bodies of the Solar System also move away from the Sun, rotating in more complicated than closed orbits.
Comets with parabolic orbits are most likely ‘newcomers’ from other star systems. Here, I would like to touch briefly the problem of differentiation of planetary chemical composition. I suppose that some regularity (from simple to more complicated elements) must be present in evolution of chemical elements in the Sun’s plasma. The origin of a planet corresponds to the completed formation of chemical elements of a certain period from the Mendeleev’s system. First-born external planets (Pluto, Neptun, Saturn and Jupiter) are composed by chemical elements of the 1 st to the 4 th periods.
In time of their formation, elements of higher periods did not exist on the Sun. The Earth was seventh born, if the Neptun and Pluto are considered born simultaneously. That is why seven periods of elements are observed in chemical composition of the Earth. The Mars was sixth born, so its chemical composition must contain none of elements of the 7 th period or only some (e. g. uranium).
For the same reason I suppose that the Venus, Mercury and Young seem to contain new more complicated and heavy elements of higher orders than of uranium. 5. The Origin and Evolution of the Earth and Moon The Earth was born in the Sun’s plasma and was put by the Sun into the circumsolar orbit more than 4, 5 ben. yrs ago. The newborn was rather smart. It took for it about 8 hours to fly round the Sun and about 1 hour to rotate about its axis.
The young Earth represented a sphere the radius of which was 1, 5-2 times less than of the modern Earth. The sphere was of thin-layered structure. Every layer of 5 to 500 m thick was built up by a certain element from the Mendeleev’s periodic system and showed the temperature close to absolute zero. A thin melted surficial layer of the Earth was formed due to the heating of congealed at omar layers up followed by their transformation into the molecular state in the Sun’s plasma. The surficial layer represented magma of basic composition with temperature over 1500 degrees. Having the hot plasma atmosphere the young Earth shone as a star.
At the circumsolar orbit, under the action of powerful centrifugal forces resulted from the fast axial Earth’s rotation, a part of the melted layer as a big drop was separated from the Earth to rotate about. This is the way the Moon was formed. Over 4, 5 ben. yrs the Earth and the Moon spiral led away from the Sun to occupy modern orbits predetermined by the law of universal gravitation. The Moon has not since then changed noticeably.
It only cooled down and expanded the circus-Earth orbital radius. Today the Moon represents a virtually homogeneous sphere built up by magmatic rocks of basic composition. It is not improbable that the Moon’s nucleus contains as yet non-cooled melted magma of basic composition. Evolutionary changes of the Earth are huge, that is related to its peculiar inner structure, i.
e. the presence of congealed layers of chemical elements formed in the Sun’s plasma in a certain regular order (probably many times repeated order of elements from the Mendeleev’s system). I think that almost all global regular processes (geo dynamic, geochemical and geophysical) occurred on the Earth owing to these changes. Consider only the main and most important processes responsible for the modern appearance of the Earth.
Owing to the heat expansion of layers (heat sources – the solar energy and melted layer), the Earth was being slowly and constantly enlarged in diameter and decelerating its diurnal rotation. Inversion of the Earth’s magnetic field took place every time when new congealed layer was heated up to be over the crucial temperature point (over this point superconductive properties and steady electric current were lost by the layer). Congealed layers were also responsible for continents and oceans to be formed on the Earth. I think that as the Earth moved away from the Sun thus losing the supply of the Solar energy, the surface of the melted layer was covered by the basaltic crust.
Two types of global fissures qualitatively different from each other appeared on the Earth as a result of the heat expansion of congealed layers. 1 – core and mantle, 150-200 thousand frozen layers of chemical system components of the Mendeleev, t = -273? ~N (0″^E); 2 – molten layer (asthenosphere), t = 1200-1600? ~N; 3 – crack in mantle under an asthenosphere, on a phase of stretching – geosynclinal troughs (modern abyssal oceanic cavities), on a phase of compression – plaited oro gens and insular arcs; 4 – uneven-aged plaited oro gens with intrusions of granites and bas its; 5 – insular arcs; 6 – sea basins; 7 – sedimentary a jacket of gantries; 8 – crack in rock sphere above an asthenosphere – oceanic rifts; 9 – horizontal slices of a floor of oceans (basalts and sedimentary strata’s); 10 – water. Fissures of the first type (geosynclinal or continental) were formed beneath the melted layer (asthenosphere). The formation of fissures was caused by different ratios of the volume expansion of elementary layers as well as by stresses induced by axial rotation of the Earth.
Leaking in fissures, the main magma was enriched in new chemical elements. Thus its composition was changed up to the acid. Troughs were formed at the Earth’s surface over such fissures. They were filled with juvenile water resulted from defrosting and transforming oxygenic and hydrogen ic layers into the molecular state.
Mainly chemo genic sediments built up the troughs floor. Then the fissures contracted owing to the linear heat expansion of the layers. The bilateral contraction was responsible for folded structures (mountains) to rise at the Earth’s surface in places of troughs. The mountains were injected by acid intrusive rocks formed from fissures magma and by basic rocks formed from asthenosphere magma. In course of time, mountains were destructed thus forming layers of terrigenous sedimentary rocks. This process was regularly repeated.
In this way the crust of continental type was formed. It should be noted that continents are attached by fissures to solid layers, i. e. continents cannot be free-floating. Fissures of the second type (oceanic) break only the crust overlying the asthenosphere under the action of the heat expansion of congealed layers. Magma of basic composition of asthenosphere under the weight of the crust and pressure from below enter the fissures to congeal e as basalts.
Since the congealed layers continue to expand, fissures expand as well and are filled by new portions of magma from asthenosphere, which turn into new (younger) basalts at the surface. Many times repeated, this process forms the oceanic floor or the crust of oceanic type. Oceans are filled by mainly juvenile water. The oceanic floor is covered by layers of chemo genic and terri genic sedimentary rocks. As a consequence of ex- and endothermal reactions, at omar layers entered chemical interaction with asthenosphere thus regularly heating up or somewhat cooling it down. As a result, asthenosphere was increased or decreased in volume, i.
e. pulsated. I suppose that this fact is the reason for regular slow oscillatory motions of the Earth’s crust responsible for the formation of the cyclic layered sedimentary cover of platforms. Throughout the history of the Earth, asthenosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere were regularly supplied by new chemical elements and their isotopes from the congealed layers. So, the chemical composition of these spheres varied in time instead of being constant. I think that precisely this fact is responsible for tectonic-magmatic and stratigraphic cycles, regularity in variations of the Earth’s biota and even its evolutionary orientation: from simple to complex, from protozoans uni cells to man.
In other words, the genetic code of the Earth is recorded in the congealed layers. Its deciphering will provide us with an insight into the past and the future of the Earth. In conclusion, a quick look at the future of the Earth as a planet. As it moves away from the Sun thus losing the supply of the Solar energy, the Earth will have to cool down. Its active geological processes will stop. The future of the Earth is the present of the Mars.
But if my hypothesis is true, the future of the Earth is not so dismal. Penetrated beneath the lithosphere the man can be the owner of a huge bulk of treasures… as congealed layers of chemical elements. In other words, the humanity is provided by natural resources. The problem is only how they can be extracted. Moreover, by defrosting elementary layers in the future, the humanity could revive the congealed Mars by regenerating its natural atmosphere and create conditions favourable for the existence.
According to V. Vernadsky, the humanity will really become the geological and cosmic force.