Facts About China 1. ) 21% of China’s population live in urban areas and 79% live in rural areas. 2. ) China’s national anthem is the ‘The East is Red.’ 3. ) The capital of China isBeiming or else Peking.
4. ) The name of the currency in China is Yuan. 5. ) The life expectancy in China for males is 65. 5 and for females is 69.
5. 6. ) The literacy rate in China is 80% 7. ) The main religions in China are Atheistic, Buddhism, and Dao ism. 8. ) In the 5 fh century AD the Chinese had calculated the value of pi more than 10 decimal places.
9. ) Gunpowder first blew up iunAlchemist’s furnace around 800 Ad and was quickly put to military use. 10. ) China’s official name is People’s Replubic of China (PRC). 11. ) China’s total population is more than 1, 000, 000, 000 which makes up more than 1/5 of the world’s population.
12. ) China cover’s 3. 7 million square miles. 13. ) China’s three largest cities are Shanghai, Beijing, and Tianjin. They are not part of any province.
14. ) The Chinese language has more than 50, 000 different words. 15. ) The Chinese have problem’s making typewriters. 16. ) The Chinese read their books from top to bottom, and from right to left.
17. ) Pottery is one of China’s most famous kinds of arts. 18. ) The Forbidden City is inside Imperial City. Imperial City is inside the Inner City. The Inner City is inside Peking.
19. ) China is the third largest country in area after Russia and Canada. 20. ) In 1949 communists took power of China. 21. ) Ther are 3400 off shore islands.
22. ) The ear list recorded history of China is 3500 . 23. ) The great paddlefish, giant panda, Chinese water deer and the salamander are in China, but extinct elsewhere. 24.
) It is estimated that there are more than 35 cities in China with a population of more than one million. 25. ) Mount Everest is 29, 028 feet high and is the highest point on Earth. 26. ) About 3/4 of all people are farmers. 27.
) China has the world’s oldest civilization. 28. ) The Chinese invented gunpowder, paper, porcelain, and silk cloth. 29. ) About 94% of China’s population belong to the Han nationality.
30. ) China has the biggest army, but not the strongest. 31. ) The Great Wall of China was built to keep enemies out of China. It is about 4, 000 miles long. 32.
) The Peking Man lived in China about 500, 000 years ago. 33. ) The Chinese people call their country Chung-ku o. 34. ) Until recently, China was cut off by either mountains, The Great Wall of China or else water. 35.
) In 1979 the US and China ended a 30 year break between the two countries. 36. ) Most people in China eat rice. 37. ) Most people in China live crowded in the eastern third of the country. 38.
) The Communist Party are trying to overcome poverty by the year 2000. 39. ) China’s flag was adopted in 1949. 40.
) About 35 million people belong to the Communist Party.