Purple Bear Matty Cal Dana

In the book Skeeball and The Secret of The Universe, the main characters are; Matty-, Cal-Matty’s best friend, Dana, Cal’s sister, Finch-the old man hat works at the arcade, Jennifer-the cute girl Matty likes, with the red sports car, and Jennifer’s two roommates, Denise and Claudia. The conflict of this book is person vs. self because, throughout the whole book, Matty is mad at Cal for getting a job and at the end, he finally realizes he was mad at himself and taking it out on Cal. This book was first person because Matty was talking about what happened to him.

This book was about Matty and Cal making an pact on not to get a job because it was their last summer together and they wanted to make it count. Cal ended up getting a job he hated bumming money off of his friends and family. Eventually, Matty ended up getting so mad at Cal he stopped talking to him. Matty had nothing to do anymore since hie best friend was off at work all the time and he was mad at him, so her started going to the arcade and he didn’t like the video games, he liked the carnival games. One night when he was playing, this old man that worked there, Finch, started giving him a lot of tokens and tips on. After a couple of weeks of going to the arcade, on his way home, he was going to the Stop and Shop where Cal had been working for a while.

Matty was walking through the pr king lot when three cute giles pulled up in a red sports car, Jennifer, Claudia, and Denise. They asked him the address to the beach house Jennifer’s dad had just bought for them. He started giving them the directions and they told him to get in the car and just show them. When Matty laid his eyes on Jennifer he thought she was the one. Later on, Matty found out Cal’s sister, Dana, liked him. Matty realized that Cal was mad at him, but he didn’t know what for.

When he found out Dana liked him, he realized Cal was mad at him because of that. Matty kept Finch up-to-date on everything, Dana found out that Matty started playing so she started playing also. Finch kept telling Matty that he should talk to Dana more often because Finch knew Dana liked Matty. Matty went over to Jennifer’s house one night and he did something to make her think that he was a pervert.

He got a chance to try and make it up to her, so he got to take her out for dinner, he took her to the arcade and told her to pick something out that he would win for her. So, Jennifer picked a big purple bear, and Matty had to get a perfect score to get that. He wasn’t able to win the purple bear for her, and she called him a loser. He felt so bad, after he took her home, he went back to the arcade and tried all night to get the purple bear. After hours, he won the peuple bear for Jennifer and she didn’t want it. Being so depressed and sad that Matty was, he went down to the ‘strip’ where all the ‘pinks’ (Tourists) hung out.

He ran into Dana and he realized that she has been following him everywhere he went. They began talking along the beach and when they finally realized it, they were covered with sand. So Matty picked up Dana and they went into the water. Afterwards, Matty walked Dana home and she asked what the purple bear was, he told her the story and Matty ended up giving the purple bear to Dana. That made himself realize what Finch was talking about. When Matty got him, he got yelled at for a long time.

It made him realized it was time for him to grow up and get a job. The next day, Matty showed up at his father’s antique shop where his father reap irs and restores old antiques. His dad asks him what he was doing at his shop, and he told him he was there to work for his dad, and his dad became confused. He told his dad he realized he was being childish. His dad told him that when him and his mother were young and his mom was pregnant and they were on their way to the doctor to get and abortion.

Instead they took the money and bought a couch and a table. The an old lady walked into the store and Matty sold the lady an table, and that was the first time his dad was ever proud of him.