Brothers tend to grow apart yet eventually find a way to revive an old beat up relationship. These brothers grew up on the rough streets of Harlem and went their separate ways. Sonny was a drug-addicted musician and his older brother was a high school algebra teacher with a family. The way the two brothers reunite through addiction, memories and strife make their bond seem stronger than ever.
Sonny’s Blues, by James Baldwin, is a story about enlightenment through brotherhood when Sonny and his brother go to the club. saw the newspaper while he was on his way to work and realized that his little brother was in trouble because of drugs. The beginning of the enlightenment started when Sonny’s brother ran into the man who got Sonny started on heroin, or how they call it “horse.” A great block of ice got settled in my belly and kept melting there slowly all day long, while I taught my classes algebra. It was a special kind of ice. It kept melting. Sending trickles of ice water all up and down my veins but it never got less.
Sometimes it hardened and seemed to expand until I felt my guts were going to come spilling out or that I was going to choke or scream. This would always be at the moment when I was remembering some specific thing Sonny had once said or done.” The fact that Sonny’s brother wanted to have nothing to do with helping Sonny made it seem that he did not care that his brother was killing himself but deep down he knew that I was killing him too. Sonny’s brother felt like he had to help Sonny but he should not because his brother got himself into the drug scene. Sonny’s brother and him finally decided to reconcile when Gracie, Sonny’s niece, passed away at a young age. The brothers wrote back and forth and one thing became clear to Sonny’s brother, music affected him. Sonny’s brother always saw the music / jazz scene as an unhealthy lifestyle full of drugs and scandal.
The only thing Sonny would really reinforce was that it was not because of the music. Sonny came back to New York after rehab from heroin and came to see the old neighborhood in Harlem. The brothers see that they have so much to be thankful for and that they will always have each other. When they sit and reminisce about their mother and her prayers it really brings the brothers closer. Their relationship started to renew itself by the memories and the way they finally began to understand each other’s life styles. When the older brother decided to go to the jazz club with Sonny to finally hear some of his music it opened many doors that have never been opened before.
Sonny’s brother was very skeptical and decided that supporting his brother was the most important thing to do at this point in their lives. When the older brother heard Sonny play and saw the way people responded to Sonny he realized this is his little brothers passion and life. “There was a long pause, while they talked up in their indigo light and after awhile I saw the girl put a Scotch and milk on top of the piano for Sonny. He didn’t seem to notice it, just before they started playing again, he sipped from it and looked toward me, and nodded. Then he put it back on top of the piano.
For me, then, as they began to play again, it glowed and shook above my brother’s head like the very cup of trembling.” This particular scene symbolizes that the feud is over and that the past is gone. Also, that Sonny has finally seen the light and will fight his battle with a heroin addiction and beat it because he knows that he can. This story has shown many sides to brotherhood. It has shown the angry side that brings out sadness and rage. It has shown the understanding side when the brothers finally begin to learn about each other and the lives they lead. It also shows a progressive side that brings out love and trust between brothers that are willing to work to make each other better people.
Sonny’s Blues has a good moral about family and how it is the most important thing we have got. Being able to learn from mistakes is a very valuable lesson but it is easier to learn and move on with family by your side.