Time Life Years School

Getting Into College Life is like an enormous theatrical performance, each person having the leading role, ready to determine his / her destiny. For each event in your life, you can reflect upon a stimulus, a cause. Yet there are so many events, so many years, days, hours, seconds in one’s life. Which is the one, that one moment intime which knowingly or unknowingly changed your life to lead you to be just that, you? For many, it is impossible to pinpoint that moment. Yet for others, that time, place, and situation sits implanted in their mind like a snapshot intime. Picture, if you will, a plump young boy of age ten.

Never before had he, been exposed to life outside his fifth grade classroom and his immediate family. Timid and shy, he decided he had listened to his mother’s continuous nagging for the last time. That weekend, he would do as she said and ‘just go’ to see an audition for the community’s production of the musical Oliver. He arrived on time, the hustle and bustle of signing in all very new to him. There was no way he would actually get up on stage and sing for that skinny man with the clear acrylic braces showing on his teeth who was seated at the piano. Yet, he had struck a deal with his mom to wait and observe, leaving at any time he felt he wanted to.

Twenty minutes later, he watched his mother from a different perspective: just a dot in a sea of other mothers sitting in the audience. As he stood in that group of ten youngsters, his meager vocabulary could not describe the fear in his body. didn’t know what a mark on his life the next few moments would make when he sang his heart out to the skinny man. How would he have known that that ‘man’ would be known to him as, his music director for the next six years. Together, they would fine tune the natural talent buried in his vocal chords and dramatically build confidence. That fear once known to him on that stage would come no more.

Nervous he was, but afraid he was not when he auditioned for The King and I a few months later. After landing a main role, he set his sights on the Seven Angels Theater in Waterbury and their production of Bright Lights, again another success. To everyone who knew him, it only seemed natural for him to continue. So why didn’t he? Why, for three straight long years did he bury his talent for singing and acting? Truthfully, he did not know and came to accept the fact that maybe he had just lost his love. So, went to high school alone and afraid as a freshman trying to find his identity. He sang in the school choir to keep his voice in shape, but that was the extent of his pursuit of his talent.

During his high school years he became very absorbed and totally involved in school organizations, clubs, and sports, and he assumed leadership positions with many responsibilities. That day six years ago seemed so far away. Songs from Oliver were just a dusty memory. Little did he know that day would be repeated, as if he had gone back in time, in February of his sophomore year. He again had that fear of performing present in him when he stepped up to the piano to belt out ‘Maria ” for his audition for West Side Story. At that moment he remembered the -poly adolescent singing for the first time.

He remembered the joy all his endeavors brought him and the true love he had discovered inside. He went on to star in West Side Story, Guys and Dolls, Grease.