The Crucible by Arthur Miller was set in one of the most chaotic times in American history but not the last. In the 1950’s a similar haze of disarray fell on the people of America, in a period referred to as The Great American . Like in The Crucible many were pressed and pressured to give names of the involved, whether it be witchcraft or “communist dealings.” Even highly respected of both societies were tried for a mere mentioning of there name. Then those who wouldn’t admit to the crime of which they were accused they were thrown in jail. In The Crucible Tit uba and the girls were so afraid that they will be punished severely by the church that they start to give the names of people they ‘supposedly’s aw with the Devil.
In actuality, they may not have even seen any of these people with the Devil. But, it is their fear of the church’s retribution that persuades them to give these names. And because they give these names, chaos in the town breaks out and all of the people are called in for questioning about whether or not they have “made compacts with the Devil.” During the Red Scare members or former of the American communist party were questioned and threatened til they gave names of other members and so forth, just as with the girls calling out names. In the 1950’s those who were merely refer to in a trial were brought in for questioning for un-American activities.
The government was so afraid of the communist over throwing the government they took extreme measures to secure the nation. There was no such security, it sparked fear and caused chaos through the nation. Martha Corey and Rebecca Nurse were arrested after the girls cried out in The Crucible. These two women are highly respected throughout the town. However, it only took the mentioning of their names for Danforth to think badly about them, and even go so far as to arrest them. Many people know that these two women are church-going, up-right women.
This depicts the fear and chaos that has broken out in Salem. People are being arrested that should not be. In the second act of The Crucible, Giles refuses to give the name of the person who told him that Putnam is accusing people so that he can get their land. Danforth considers this contempt and arrests Giles, even though he did not do anything wrong. Danforth’s fear starts to get the better of him. He and the other members of the court are creating a society of chaos by themselves.
It happens almost exactly the same way in the Red Scare those questioned about other involved in the alleged communist dealings and refused were also thrown in jail for contempt. Although Judge Danforth and the U. S. government were trying to do the right thing and protect their people, they were the ones inflicting the chaos among the people.
While The Crucible is more of a classic example of hysteria, The Great American Red Scare is a more modern. It’s as if history repeated itself, similar to when in The Crucible many were pressed and pressured to give names of the involved, whether it be witchcraft or “communist dealings” in the Red Scare. Even highly respected of both societies were tried for a mere denote of there name. Then those who wouldn’t admit to the crime of which they were accused they were thrown into prison or even killed.