Infrastructure And Economic Pr

Infrastructure and Economic Prosperity A famous Canadian geographer was once quoted saying, .” … any region which has a well developed transportation and communication network also enjoys a high degree of economic prosperity… .” . This statement has sparked much controversy between geographers, as well as economists. The argument is, is there a direct link between a developed infrastructure and economic prosperity. Without a doubt, there is a direct link between economic prosperity and a well-developed system of transportation and communication.

It is possible to understand this direct link by reviewing and comparing the infrastructure and economy of three different cities. Toronto has well-developed transportation and communication systems, North Bay has terrible communication and transportation systems, and Brampton has just recently developed their communication and transportation systems. In order to understand the direct link between infrastructure and the economy, which will be illustrated by the three cities, it is important to know the history of transportation and the economy. Land transportation first began with the carrying of goods by people.

The ancient civilizations of Central America, Mexico, and Peru transported materials in that fashion over long roads and bridges. The first road vehicles were two-wheeled carts, with stone disks as wheels, used by the Sumerians in 3000 B. C. E… The Chinese constructed the first road system under the Chou dynasty in 1000 B. C.

E… In Asia, the camel caravan served to transport goods and people. The first system of transportation by sailing was created by the Phoenicians, and was used to ship goods of high value, such as gems, spices, and fine handiwork. This form of transportation is first written about with King Solomon, .” … ships of Tarshish bringing gold, and silver, ivory, apes, and peacocks.” The advances in transportation led to the development of metropolitan centres. From the history it is shown that it is impossible to have a strong economy without transportation and communication.

Transportation and communication are the two essential factors for importing and exporting, the two keys to a healthy economy. Toronto is sometimes called “the city that works.” Toronto has a well-developed transportation system, which includes numerous highways, a well-planned road system, and a superb transit system, the TTC. The TTC (Toronto Transit Commission), has 1, 701 buses, 248 streetcars, 640 subway cars, 146 wheelchair transit buses, 66 stations, 8, 491 employees, and is the second largest transit system in North America. Toronto has many highways, such as the 400 series highways (400, 401, etc. ), the Queen Elizabeth Way (NEW), the Gardiner Expressway, and the Don Valley Parkway, all of which were built and are owned by the government.

Two years ago, a private company built a new electronic toll highway called the 407. Each of these highways is in good condition and is repaired on a regular basis. Toronto has an advanced telecommunications system, with some of the best access lines, digital switching, and advanced signalling. Toronto has a large population, a thriving economy, and attracts many tourists. Toronto’s large population and attraction of tourists is due to the quality of life in the city. Toronto was ranked the best place to live in the world by the Corporate Resources Group and was ranked fifth in North America as a place for arts and culture.

Toronto was ranked the best global city for business and family life by Fortune Magazine and was ranked the world’s fifth best business location for international business headquarters. Toronto is also the fourth largest financial centre in North America. All of the above points are a direct result of Toronto’s excellent telecommunications infrastructure and transit system. The city of North Bay is located in Northern Ontario and has a population of about 45, 000. North Bay has a poorly developed transportation system and a suffering economy. The road system in North Bay is relatively kept in satisfactory condition, but lacks the major roads and highways that a larger city would have.

The transit system in North Bay is very small and is not very efficient. Although North Bay has a robust telecommunications infrastructure featuring fibre optic conductivity, not many businesses or residents take advantage of it. This results in a struggling economy that only occasionally has bright spots. The only reasons that North Bay has as large an economy as it has is because of its close proximity to a wide range of resources and the NORAD military installation. Mines, mills, and agricultural operations that help boost the city’s economy surround North Bay.

The NORAD military installation, located 590 feet underground, is responsible for all air defence surveillance in Canada, and brings government money into North Bay’s economy. The direct link between a developed infrastructure and the economy is best illustrated by the city of Brampton. In 1996, Brampton’s population was 268, 251, representing a 14. 4% increase in a five-year period (1991-1996). Between 1996 and 1998, Brampton has experienced a 15. 2% population increase, and now has a population of 283, 000.

Brampton is currently the thirteenth largest city in Canada. The large population increase can be directly connected to the construction of the electronic toll highway, the 407, in 1997. The 407 highway runs from the east to the west through the south end of Brampton. The new highway brought in many new businesses and created an economic boom in the period between July 1997 and August 1998. During that period commercial industry increased 8. 2% and industrial construction increased by 235.

5%. The big economic boom in Brampton is.” … a very positive note for Brampton, and will increase the quality of life for many years to come.” A city or area with a well-developed system of transportation and a developed communications infrastructure will also have a steady economy. Toronto has a great infrastructure and has a vibrant economy, whereas North Bay has a poor system of transportation and communication and consequently has a struggling economy. The city of Brampton until 1996 had an average economy, but with the construction of a new highway become the thirteenth largest city in Canada, proving that a well-developed infrastructure has a direct effect on a city’s economy.