He knew that there would be a time when she would switch on the light too late but there was nothing he could do about that. So silently, watching, he crouched in the corner of the attic Happily Veronica skipped up the stairs to the attic. Switching on the light she went in. How she loved this attic with its many rooms and the many corners, playing hide and seek was brilliant.
That reminded her, she had to have another party soon so that all her friends could admire her lovely attic again. Suddenly she stumbled. Ouch! she exclaimed. Why on earth did Daddy insist on re-roofing this place There are things everywhere I cant find anything. Mind you all of these boxes we could make play houses and hide and seek, how amazing it would be, no one would ever be found! Why wouldnt she go It was obvious that she had had an idea about something or other by the expression on her face. Intense, thoughtful, so flipping innocent.
Why wouldnt she just go And then we could have a sleepover up here. She sighed with content. With a jolt she came back to earth, now what was she looking for again Oh yes, a screwdriver, one with a flat end. Dashing from room to room she searched. Why does Daddy have to hide everything WHERE IS THAT SCREWDRIVER Her cry echoed around the attic, through all the rooms, bouncing back to her. Frantically she started looking behind boxes scattering them everywhere flinging things over her head and into the neat empty spaces.
What on earth was she doing now There was no logical reason why she should be throwing things around. He went further back into the shadows and glared, hating the determined little face. With a final stamp of her foot she gave up and stormed out of the attic, slamming the door behind her and switching the light off. Piles of clothe were left messily lying around each room.
Had she looked back, she would have noticed the glow of his eyes in the corner staring at her, following her every movement. Peace at last from the little brat. Quickly he darted out of his hiding place behind the screen supporting the rafters and carefully placed the screwdriver on the nearest pile. It lay there shining as the moon caught the bright silver from through the window. Silently he dashed back, sitting there watching, waiting Daddy! But he was not home yet. She jumped as the phone let out a shrill cry.
He… hello Veronica, its daddy here. Are you ok Youre breathing rather heavily. No, Im fine Daddy, the phone just gave me a shock. Ill be home in about half an hour, is that ok Yes thats fine. About that screwdriver You found it, oh thank you Ronny.
Youve no idea how helpful itll be. See you soon. See you… But he was gone. Taking the portable phone with her, she ventured back to the attic for the second time that night.
The door opened again and that maddening face entered. He laughed menacingly as she picked up the screwdriver with an astonished look on her face. Putting it in her pocket she looked around. Looking straight at him but seeing nothing. She seemed to sense something for she suddenly looked nervous. An evil smile crossed his face.
She came closer, peering into the darkness under the rafters, so close that he could feel her breath. Suddenly she seemed to lose courage and she charged for the door. Abruptly she looked back as she switched the light off. With a piercing scream, she ran. Did she really see eyes, or was it just her imagination Desperately she tried to recall moments to prove the latter explanation. She had always had an active imagination, all of her teachers said so.
She loved making up stories in her head and she had entered several creative writing pieces for the school paper. That settled it; her imagination was working overtime at the moment. Shaking her head, she tried to get the image out of it, but she could still see the two glowing circles in the attic staring at her. She ran to the sitting room and switched the television on. Turning the volume up as loud as she dared, she began to flick through the channels. As she looked she paused seeing a long line of cars on the screen.
There are long queues on the M 25 following a road accident. The drivers are being taken to hospital as we speak. Luckily no one has suffered any major injuries Veronica turned pale as she recognised her dads car being towed away and the realisation that she was alone sunk in. Thanks to Veronica, he was able to hear quite clearly that she was alone and would be for a while yet. The smile crept back onto his face as he moved silently to the door and let himself out into the house. Veronica shot up in bed fully awake and breaking out in cold sweat.
As she managed to calm herself she realised that the sound that had managed to awaken her was the ringing phone next to her ear. Hello she said quietly and groggily. Veronica! Oh thank goodness youre ok! What Its Daddy here. I know with just a hint of sarcasm in her voice. Well, around our house theres been What Daddy, what No, Im not sure you should know, youre too young. Tell me! ! No.
It would only scare you. Im sure it wouldnt then an inspiration came to her. Although it scared her still, she wanted to know about what she had seen. Daddy, I saw two glowing circles I saw in the attic, like eyes YOU SAW WHAT came the hysterical reply. Please tell me you didnt see anything, that youre just trying to scare me! W.
why she said in an almost inaudible whisper. Dont worry Honey, just stay where you are and Veronica Ahhhhhhhhh! ! ! ! ! Veronica scream was loud and clear. Honey Whats wrong Ahhhh hhh! the scream grew fainter and the phone line went dead. Her father felt a surge of panic come over him. There was only one time when he had ever come across this phenomena He had been a happy young schoolboy when he had lived in a house much like his now.
Like Veronica he had adored his attic and had spent many happy hours playing in it with friends. The day had been a fairly normal one, after school he had come up into the attic with friends ready to play a first-class game of hide and seek. By the time he had reached the attic it was already dark, being winter, and while he was hiding one his friends had switched off the light to make the game more interesting. None of them had objected, they thought it would be much more fun in the dark, clambering around through rooms and over boxes of old clothes. None of them had objected, that was until they saw them. As James had chased him into the entrance room there had been a strange glowing in the corner.
Being the inquisitive young lads they were, they had crept closer to see what on earth could be glowing in such a dark attic. It wasnt until they were close that the one blur had become two circles, staring at them. He shivered an involuntary shiver. With all of the memories pouring back as if it were yesterday He and James had not hung around for long; within two minutes him, James and the others were downstairs in the sitting room trying desperately to make unrelated conversation.
Trying to forget those circles. After the clock struck seven the other boys gladly left with only James trying to convince his mother that he could stay. Unfortunately he had been unsuccessful and had had to leave too. The radio was on and he turned it up loud comforting himself until his parents returned.
They had found him shaking on the rug in front of the unlit fire. Whats wrong son had been the first words that his father had uttered. With frequent pauses he had managed to explain the entire story. His father, being the man he was, had decided that it was utter nonsense. Luckily he had managed to convince him and half an hour later his mother and father ventured up to the attic leaving him to try and go to sleep. When he awoke the next morning neither his mother nor father were anywhere to be seen.
They did not return the next day or the next. When a police officer came to turn him over to a home, he had not offered any explanations. With a shake of his head, he ran for the nearest phone to telephone a taxi. Now that was something to be proud of, he had actually managed to capture that meddling child.
Although she had screamed her father would not be home for a while even though he would be driving full speed. But hadnt his car been damaged in the accident How would he get home Poor little Ronny! He laughed a hysterical laugh as he stared at the girls frightened face. What are you going to do with me Veronica asked, squeezing her eyes shut, not really wanting to know the answer. Silence. I said, what are you going to do with me! ! ! Cautiously she opened first one eye and then the other, yes, they were still there. The light was off so all she could see were the two eyes glowing staring at her.
Quickly she shut them again. What am I going to do with you Well if you really want to know… Im going to leave you here, no one ever comes in here do they Without any food or water… Who are you That is something that you do not need to know came the short reply. Veronica decided to stay quiet from now on if she wanted to live through this. As she opened one eye a fraction she could see the eyes coming nearer and she couldnt help herself a scream came out long and loud.
He was very impressed with himself. Now the father would be home soon and that stupid brat of a girl had been dealt with. Everything was going to plan The door slammed behind him as he ran frantically into the house. He stood in the hallway for what seemed an eternity. He called for her louder and louder hoping that she was fooling around, but with every call his heart sank lower and he knew that he had to go into the attic. He stared at the stairs with his heart in his throat, he plucked up all the courage that he could muster and began the long climb as fast as he could.
As the door loomed closer his heart rate increased and he could feel his hands becoming sweatier. He reached for the door and switched on the light. Veronica! ! he ran anxiously around very room, Veronica! ! With a last surge of energy he grabbed her, Run as fast as you can, dont look back! She took a last look at her father and ran for her life. As she neared the stairs the light switched off but she continued to run as fast as she could. That was the last the last time she ever saw her father. He knew that there would be a time when the light would be switched on too late but there was nothing he could do about that.
So silently, watching, he crouched in the corner of the attic.