The Anglo- Saxon period was a period of tribal societies that relied on their warriors to keep them safe. Their warriors were very important to them because this was a time of many invasions and bloodshed. A warrior had to be brave, strong, smart, trustworthy, and very loyal. A warrior had to be brave because there were many battles with dragons and giants and many other creatures of that nature. They couldn’t be scared when it came down to the time for them to slay a fire-breathing dragon. The warriors had to fight hard and never be afraid of the dragon.
If they were afraid of the dragon they would not have a chance at slaying him. The dragon would realize that the warrior was scared and take advantage of him. But an unafraid warrior would be gracious under battle and battle the dragon unto death. An Anglo- Saxon warrior had to be strong.
If a warrior wasn’t strong what good would he be? The swords back then where not little light, thin samurai swords, these were swords made for smashing not cutting. They were heavy and a weak warrior would not be able to swing the sword over and over again. The strength of a warrior was needed so they could hit a monster over the head hard enough to kill it. I mean these guys were strong they were able to kill these gigantic monsters in one swipe or two.
A warrior had to be smart. If he wasn’t smart the monster could outsmart him and the warrior could be killed. Well, actually the monster probably wouldn’t ever outsmart a warrior because the monsters weren’t very smart. But a smart warrior is better able to come up with battle strategies and make the right decisions.
An Anglo- Saxon warrior was expected to be very trustworthy. During the Anglo-Saxon period warriors had shoulder companions, which followed them during battle and defended their back. This kept enemies from sneaking up on the warriors and attacking them from behind. I a warrior could not trust his shoulder companion to watch his back the warrior would not do good in battle. A king also had thanes, which swore to defend him in battle and follow his every order. If they did not they were considered cowards and were shamed by society.
During the Anglo- Saxon period loyalty was very important. A person in would be loyal to his king and kin. Being loyal to the king important because he was your ruler and governed over you but also trained an army to protect you. And being loyal to your kin was also important because they were your family. To be disloyal to your family was one of the worst things you could have done during the Anglo-Saxon period..