Americans Were Supposed To Give Up Their Seat Bus Parks America

The 1950 s: these years represent the height of black segregation in the United States of America. It signifies a time when black and white Americans were detached from one another. These years symbolize a moment when interactions among the races appeared morally corrupt. Also, America desperately tries to suppress these years behind the pages of its embarrassing history. How could these incidents happen? Why did they happen? Should America blame those who were too ignorant to overcome their differences for this oppression? Or are the citizens’, too blind to see raw aggression and hatred blurred their sights of morality, to blame? As a society who has overcome the dreaded days of hate, avoidance of pinning certain groups as the problem of this hidden mess in our history is essential.

America suffered separation due to hate, ignorance, and the lack of confrontation. This decade in must always burn in the back of every American’s mind. Unified America must acknowledge the faults of a country and a government so such unfortunate moments may never occur again. Unification and acknowledgment of a whole society prevent a separation from ever repeating itself. It was just only four years ago that a landmark incident in the segregation movements occurred. This incident was the Rosa Parks bus affair.

For anyone who doesn’t know the story, this is what happened: In Montgomery, Alabama, December 1, 1955, a black seamstress named Rosa Parks was heading home after a long day at work. She boarded a bus and found a vacant seat. Problem was, if there weren’t enough seats on the bus for Caucasians, African Americans were supposed to give up their seats; back then that was the law in Montgomery, Alabama. As it happened, the bus soon filled up and Rosa was expected to give up her seat. Nice try. The lady had had enough.

Rosa Parks refused to budge. To make a long story short, Mrs. Parks was arrested, fingerprinted and fined for violating a city ordinance. That incident in Montgomery turned out to be a catalyst for change. Mrs. Parks’ arrest resulted in a black boycott of the city’s bus line-a boycott that ended 381 days later when the bus line caved in, on the heels of a U.

S. Supreme Court ruling that segregation in transportation was unconstitutional. This was just one incident among many others that happened during this decade. So many incidents, that it is almost impossible to name them all. As our nations goes quickly into the future, hopefully, we can look forward to a brighter one. A future where everyone can live together in harmony and peace..