“If the human race wishes to have a prolonged and indefinite period of material prosperity, they have only got to behave in a peaceful and helpful way toward one another.” — Winston Churchill I believe this statement to be a fundamental truth. I believe that material prosperity can only come to all by means of co-operation and peace. I believe it is also by these means that nations can build societies founded on the universal principals of justice, equality and brotherhood. From this solid platform civilization as we know it would be given the opportunity to advance at an unprecedented rate, one not measured by the strength of its war machines, but rather by the living standards of its citizens.
The question of the importance of world peace is large, and yet easily answered. Answered both by the importance which we place on the quality of our own lives, and by that which we place on the life of every other human being on this planet. So great are the benefits of a peaceful co-existence between nations that it seems foolish that war has ever reared its ugly head and left its mark on human history. It is perhaps the greatest paradox of all time- that to make peace you must prepare for war, but it is true; for peace cannot exist while it has such powerful enemies. I would further Mr.
Churchill’s statement to say that by behaving in a peaceful way towards each other, we not only come closer to achieving this indefinite period of material wealth; we come closer to building Utopia- the perfect society. I see the building of a perfect society as a likely answer to the question of our existence on this planet. It is an idea that has been with us since the dawn of time existing in many forms; from the ancient idea of the ‘land of milk and honey’ to the Christian belief of heaven, to the modern concept of Utopia. The origins of this ideal can be traced as far back as our historical records will take us, countless attempts have been made, in varying degrees, to create Utopia. America and Canada are good examples of modern attempts at a Utopian society.
So to is Carl Marx’s Communist Manifesto. Both have succeeded, both have failed in one respect or another. Utopia will never be built until there is a universal understanding that no ideal can be met through battle, no goal accomplished by means of war that could not have been better attained through peaceful ways. Another underlying truth is that there are those who by the course of their actions have shown themselves to be hell-bent on causing war and wide spread death. We cannot begin to comprehend the reasoning behind their actions- their logic has been twisted and corrupted by their backwards values and traditions- we must instead acknowledge that there are many in the global community who see us as a shining beacon of hope. A chance for a better life.
We as a nation have a duty to uphold the universal principals of justice, equality and brotherhood- the very ideals that Canada was founded on- because there are so many who cannot do it for themselves. Canada has done well to uphold those principals. Sadly though it has come at a high price, with more than one hundred thousand Canadians having died in battle in an effort to maintain peace or end war over the past 100 years. We have earned a global reputation as a peace keeping nation, one of our most significant accomplishments being the Canadian liberation of the Dutch before the end of the Second World War. Once one of the toughest fighting nations the world has ever seen Canada has, through the United Nations, become a global leader in the quest for peace.
” Over the past fifty years, Canada has made a significant, constructive and sustained contribution in all areas of UN activity: peace and security, development assistance, human rights, and social, economic and environmental affairs.” We should all be proud to be a part of a nation that has made such great contributions to the creation of peace within the global community. We should never forget those who have paid the ultimate price for peace within our country and the world “The meaning of their sacrifice rests with our collective national consciousness; our future is their monument.” It is important that Canada continues to be a defender of peace. There is no more worthy a cause than the protection of the fundamental principals that have created our great country and which stand to create a better world. The importance of world peace is great, perhaps more great than I can make clear with words. The simple underlying truth behind war, however, is both obvious and infallible; War solves nothing; peace is the only way ahead. “Peace be with you.” The Bible: Genesis XLIII.