Review of Renaissance Artists Basic idea: How the church was the center of European life during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance Philosophy of: Ideas: v Cathedral was the center of community life Originally worked for their after life and then switched to living here and now The Arts: v Paintings were done on walls, wood, and illustrations in books Sculptures done on wood and stone; mainly religious scenes, symbols, and persons Cathedrals were the crowning achievements of medieval art Components that make up musical style like: Rhythm: v No system of notating rhythms existed Developed a notation based on two note values Steady beat, free in rhythms Each part had its own style of accents No bar lines Polyatomic parts had personal rhythms and flexibilities Melody: v Scales emphasized the first and fifth tones which led to the modern scale system of today Church chants developed Range never went over an octave v Mainly moved by steps As time passed, things changed, such as raising or lowering some tones by a half step, creating chromatic tones Started to become more complex, range was extended as well as the use of leaps, and use of the chromatic tones Harmony and Counterpoint: v From 900-1200 polyphonic texture was popularv Once in a while the two parts moved together (punctus contra pu nctum: counterpoint) At other times one voice sang a long-tone melody while the other sang a rapid series of notes Added a third part then more and more parts were added making the polyphony becoming more complex and differing Began to use a combination of voices and instruments Tone Color: v Limited to a low drone, so this was probably common sound Nasal sound in both voices and instruments Colorful much like the costumes were to the eye Unification became preferred so a basically uniform tone color with high and low notes formed Form: v Determined by the text Melodies followed the natural flow of the words Dominant form was the music for the Catholic Church with five sections Used both polyphonic and homophonic textures Duple and some triple meter became popularv Instrumental music developed because of better manufacturing styles and a collection of more music Composer Machaut, Guillaume de Brief biographical sketch Born: 1300 in Reams, Champagne Died: c. 1377 A great part of his life was spent in the service of John of Luxemburg, King of Bohemia. He was both a composer and a poet. Three quarters of his work still in use are unaccompanied poetry. Why was this composer important in music history? His approach to music was abstract, which manifested itself in the mathematical basis of consonance and dissonance. He also influenced the isorhythmic principle, in the levels of rhythmic layers, and in the number of manuscripts of motets.
What special contribution did he / she make to the art? He was the first person to use isorhythmic where the melody line is repeated and all of the sudden is paused. Why is their music still being performed today? Because of the sound and unique structure of how it was written. The layered of rhythmic lavers is the first written. List the composers most important works Messe de Notre Dame (Mass of Our Lady) Hoquetus David Major Visual Artists in Guillaume de Machaut’s life (1300-1377): v Giotto (1266-1337) v Jan van Eyck (ca. 1370-ca. 1440) Major People in Literature During Guillaume de Machaut’s life (1300-1377): v Dante (1265-1321) v Boccacio (1313-1375) v Chaucer (ca.
1340-1400) Major Historical Figures During Guillaume de Machaut’s life (1300-1377): v Marco Pollo (1254-1324) explorer Composer Guillaume Dufay Brief biographical sketch Born: c. 1400 in Cambri, France Died: November 27, 1474 The majority of his life was in Cambri. He joined a choir with fifteen to twenty other members originally. As the years passed, members, including Dufay, moved to other choirs for money and other such reasons. Guillaume Dufay was achieve figure of music schools because of his completion of education as a choir master as well as being very well-educated in most aspects of music. Why was this composer important in music history? His attempt to move towards a clearly defined tonal and functional harmonic structure helped prepare one of the most important stylistic developments of the following century.
Dufay changed music in such ways as paths toward modern day harmonies, use of third intervals, and new structures of staffs. Changed chants to harmonies. What special contribution did he / she make to the art? His contributions to the development of faux-bourdon and the cyclic mass are of unique interest. He was one of the first composers to manage four-voice texture with any kind of reliable skill before the end of the 15 th century. Dufay wrote many types of music including dramatic cycles, cyclic masses, isorhythmic motets, and simply ornamented hymns.
First to write music for instruments. Why is their music still being performed today? Dufay’s works are known as the supremely polished works of a long period of a slow and stylistic change. List the composers most important works Ecclesia e militants Missa Sancti JacobiSupremum est mortalibus bonum Se la face ay pale Ecce ancilla Domini L ” home arme Ace regina caelorum Major Visual Artists During Guillaume Dufay’s life (Ca. 1400-1474): v Jan van Eyck (ca. 1370-ca.
1440) v Donatello (1386-1466) v Lucca della Robbia (ca. 1400-1482) v Antonio Pollaiuolo (1429-1498) v Giovanni Bellini (ca. 1430-1516) v Andrea del Verrocchio (1435-1488) v Sandro Optically (ca. 1444-1510) v Heironymus Bosch (ca.
1450-1560) v Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) v Albrecht D”urer (1471-1538) Major People in Literature in Guillaume Dufay’s life (1400-1474): v Chaucer (ca. 1340-1400) v Machiavelli (1469-1527) Major Historic Figures During Guillaume Dufay’s life (1400-1474): v Gutenberg (1398-1468) printing pressv Columbus (1446-1506) explorerv John Cabot (1450-1498) explorerv Erasmus (1466-1536) philosopherv Vasco da Gama (1469-1527) political philosopherv Copernicus (1473-1543) astronomer Composer Josquin Des Prez Brief biographical sketch Born: 1440 Died: 1521 Spent most of his life in various Italian cities. Traveled and spread the Northern polyphonic style. Why was this composer important in music history? Josquin’s primary concern is with the direct expression of texts, and it is this humanistic quality that set the stage for the main portion of Renaissance and Baroque music. What special contribution did he / she make to the art? Spread the northern polyphonic style. Four voices in his music.
Combined piety, technical mastery, and individual discretion. Why is their music still being performed today? Because they are long, comprising masses, motets, and secular songs. His style is marked by the technique of pervasive imitation, in which several vocal parts share material in a subtle connecting way. List the composer’s most important works. Missa Range LinguaMilles RegretzNimphes des boi sAve Maria gratia plena Miserere mei Deus De profundis clamav i Major Visual Artists During Josquin des Pres’ life (1450-1521): v Donatello (1386-1466) v Lucca della Robbia (ca. 1400-1482) v Antonio Pollaiuolo (1429-1498) v Giovanni Bellini (ca.
1430-1516) v Andrea del Verrocchio (1435-1488) v Sandro Botticelli (ca. 1444-1510) v Heironymus Bosch (ca. 1450-1560) v Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) v Albrecht D”urer (1471-1538) v Michelangelo (1475-1564) v Titian (1477-1576) v Raphael (1483-1520) v Matthias Grunewald (1485-1530) v Andrea del Sarto (1486-1531) v Be venuto Cellini (1500-1571) v Tintoretto (1518-1594) Major People in Literature During Josquin des Pres’ life (1450-1521): v Rab elias (ca. 1490-1553) Major Historical Figures During Josquin des Pres’ life (1450-1521): v Gutenberg (1398-1468) printing pressv Columbus (1446-1506) explorerv John Cabot (1450-1498) explorerv Copernicus (1473-1543) astronomers Balboa (1475-1517) explorerv Sir Thomas More (1535) statesman Ferdinand Magellan (ca. 1480-1521), explorerv Martin Luther (1483-1546) Protestant Reformation Hernando Cortes (1485-1547) explorerv Hernando de Soto (1500-1542) explorer.