Christian Education Board Report The Christian Education Board met at 7: 00 P. M. on Monday, October 20, 2003 and began with a prayer by Pastor Present at the meeting were Jenny read the secretary’s report for the last meeting with a correction to the last report that a booth was not sponsored during the Corn Festival due to a lack of volunteers. Carol reported that the bake sale held with city-wide garage sales made a profit of $138. 00.
Jenny plans to continue with the story of “The Widow’s Offering” for God’s Garden on November 2 with “Jesus Heals the Blind Man” being the theme for the rest of November. Julie will teach on Nov. 9; Sue Ellen and Lori will teach on Nov. 16 and 23, and no will be held on Nov. 30 since many families will be gone for Thanksgiving. Planning for the fall wiener roast on Sunday, October 26 at noon at the Whistles top Miniature Golf course included for the CE Board to provide hotdogs, buns, S’mores, drinks, and table service.
Pastor Liberty brought numerous books, Sunday School materials, posters, and suggestions for other reading materials for our church library. After much discussion, it was decided that Lori will purchase a CD player for music for Sunday School and Jenny and Lori will search for CD’s with Bible songs for the children. The Bible Story series (usually on display at physician’s offices) and costing approximately $400. 00 for the complete series along with What the Bible Is All About, posters of “The Life of Jesus” and “Comparison of Denominations,” and copies of Standard lessons for the older children will be the additions to the library and Sunday School curriculum at this time.
Other purchases will be added quarterly to give our library better reading material that may be signed out by members of our congregation. The next meeting of the Christian Education Board will be held on Monday, November 17, 2003 at 7: 00 P. M.