Restoration; restoring the crown, there was no serious attempt to merge the states together until Charles II’s Steward Policies. Parliament tried to tidy up the states with the Navigation act, forcing the states to trade only with England. With a new wave of English emigrants, England became the principal on the coast from main to Virginia. These British laws slashed with the American belief of self betterment.
In 1689 British try to impose rule on North America, sparking a series of rebellions. Charles II and James II try to rule England and the colonies with out parliamentary aid. James is one proprietor of the colonies, being the owner of New York. The growing democratic views of the colonies scared James. James than appoints high ranking military officers to key political spots. These officers were placed in charge of the militia as well.
In 1605 when James becomes king, he kept this tradition going strong. The Americas than invoke a law saying we are free from British rule, and British taxation, but the British still need to defend us. The Americas thus ignore the navigation laws. Charles the I targeted Massachusetts for punishment. He takes a chunk of Mass.
Land and divides it creating the state of New Hampshire. He than makes Massachusetts a royal colony and revokes their charter. In 1685 the king merges New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Plymouth into The Dominion of New England. Puritan ministers were calling for a refusal at any cost. Edmund Andros becomes the governor of this dominion.
He limits town meetings to one a year, and he vigorously enforces the navigation acts. In New York Catholics supported by the king held high military and political offices. Settlers feared the Catholics would betray them to catholic France. The Duke of York (James the II) and Charles the II were both Catholics, and supported the ability of Catholics to worship openly. When James had a son who was raised Catholic, the British gasped at the idea of another catholic king. So the British sent for James’ oldest daughter, a protestant, who was living in Holland to come back to England and assume the crown.
So Mary Steward and her husband William of Orange sent an army to stop King James. This army meets no resistance and James is forced to flee to France, and William of Orange becomes king, beside Mary Steward. The colonists seeing the fall of catholic power in England tried to regain their own country. Acting under the name of William of Orange and Mary Steward the colonists arrested Edmund Andros and installed their own government. The dominion of New England was thus abolished. The only requirement for voting became land ownership not church membership.
Leister Rebellion, in 1689, where he took over the port and rebuilt its defenses and Leister reinstated elections. When Leister wouldn’t allow the kings soldiers in some of the key forts for fear they might still be loyal to the exiled catholic king, was charge with treason. He was than found guilty and killed in Europe. Protestant rebel john code, rises up and claims Maryland for the Protestants, and asked for the king to rule the colonies. Catholics were punished and kicked from office and denied the right to vote.
The new king allowed the state to operate on its own and relied on voluntary allegiance instead of forced mercantilism. England than joined a force to stop Louis the 14 th in France. This was called King Williams War. In the states the English colonists attacked French colonies. The English allied with the Iroquois Indians, and the French allied with all the other Indian tribes. The Iroquois took the brunt of the war and were devastated, loosing more than 1/2 of their strength.
In 1702 a new English war, of Spanish succession put English against France and Spain. Spanish raiders attacked southern states and the French attacked northern colonies. The treaty of Utrecht was than reached and France received all the land between the Appalachian Mountains and the coast. British coming to the Americas saw widespread prosperity and unparalleled sophistication’s. The English were amazed at how great the Americas had become. The navigation system or mercantilism made sure the British kept a monopoly over the states.
These Navigators acts were made to undercut the Dutch. -Laws limited trade to British ships -Based colonies exports unless they passed through British ports -Encouraged diversity by the crown paying America to explore new products -The Americas weren’t allowed to produce clothing or steel. Iron became a huge industry in the states with over 1/3 of the northern labor force working in its production. In 1751 Benjamin Franklin correctly predicts the population of the states would double every 25 years. The Americas were growing faster than England. Enslaved Africans were the largest group of emigrants.
Well England is doing well, with increased employment a lot of immigrants moving in were Irish, mostly Northern Ireland. In 1713 few Anglo Americans lived less than 50 miles from the Atlantic, in 1775. 1/3 moved out to the piedmont. English colonies did not relish the arrival of the new settlers. – = – = Appalachian Mountains = – = – Melting pot where everyone becomes American or location where The standard of living in America was exceptional, it was equal to Britain and it was higher than Ireland or Scotland. The Americans become wealthy travelers and 40% of British exports were going to the colonies..