All of Western Europe has begun to industrialize rapidly in the Eighteenth Century. The is advancing the textile industry, agriculture, transportation, communication, and science. Here in England the process is most highly accelerated. England’s head start is attributed to a number of factors.
Large deposits of coal are available for fuel, there is abundant labor, and the colonies can furnish raw materials. There are also many merchants to invest in new businesses and in the Scientific Revolution. The Industrial Revolution is affecting all the people in England. Although there are many negative effects on the individual person during this Revolution, the revolution is actually benefiting the country as a whole. The Industrial Revolution is advancing England in all aspects of society. Urbanization is one of the first results as more and more railroads and factories are being built.
As the industry is expanding and growing rapidly, more people are moving to towns and cities instead of living in the country. Now that we have so many factories, we can use mass production to increase the rate of manufacturing goods and we can also use new inventions to make work easier. With the invention of Edmund Cartwright’s power loom, Samuel Crompton’s spinning mule, James Hargreaves spinning Jenny, and Eli Whitney’s cotton gin, industrial life has become much easier. These inventions are but a few that have been invented so far, and all of them increase production rates and decrease labor time. These new inventions gave people the chance to rise up in society. Now we have different social classes among our people, and people have the opportunity to make money and profit from businesses.
Women also have more options now, and they can work in the factories and in businesses instead of just staying at home and looking after the children. Now that they can work in factories, women provide cheap labor and help improve the economy and industry. With new businesses appearing and new cities springing up all over, buildings are being erected everywhere. Architecture is being modernized, and buildings such as city halls, stock exchanges, and opera houses are appearing rapidly throughout England. As we make the transition into the modern era with new inventions and buildings and factories, our education is also beginning to improve. Slowly, the government is providing financial support to many schools and we now have a school called “secondary school.” As our education improves, the next generation of children will be better prepared to make more technological advances and improve our economy.
Overall, this industrial revolution has greatly benefited the people and the economy of England. Although this revolution has impacted our lives in a positive way, there are also many negative effects. Women spend twelve to fourteen hours a day working in factories. When they reach home, they are exhausted and they can’t spend any time with their children. Not only that, but women are paid one-third of a man’s wages. They have few rights and most of their salary goes to their fathers or husbands.
The women aren’t the only ones that are being affected. Even the men, in the extremely dirty and dangerous conditions in the factories, are affected. With the low ceiling, locked doors, and poor lighting, workers are risking losing limbs from unguarded machines or getting throat or lung infections from the strongly polluted air. So when all the workers go home after a day of long, tiresome work, they have to rest.
But workers’ housing is dark, poorly constructed, and badly ventilated. People live in cramped conditions, and as many as twenty families share one toilet and water pump. Since there is no official police force, there is also a lot of crime in these cramped neighborhood areas. Although there are different social classes, only the rich benefit. The poor are forced to live in the slums around the factories. In addition, only the rich parents’ children can afford to attend school.
The poor families cannot afford to send their children to school. Without any education, these poor families have no chance of moving up in society. They are stuck at the bottom and are not able to rise in social class. Furthermore the population is rapidly increasing because of the advanced science technology. As more and more vaccines are developed, and we are getting more advanced in the medical field, the population is increasing.
With such a large population, only the rich can live a good life, while the rest are poor and are struggling to feed their families. To solve the problem of poverty, many families are sending their children to work. These poor children work long hours in the factories for small wages and suffer from the poisonous gases in the coal mines, or the dangerous machines in the factories. From this point of view, the Industrial Revolution is affecting each individual in a negative way. But all these negative aspects of the revolution can be changed. As we know, the government is now providing more financial support to schools so that the poor children can be educated.
There should be some form of a tax on the rich people. This money can then be used as a financial aid for the poor people who can’t afford their rent or can’t afford to send their children to school. To further help the poor people, the upper class shouldn’t separate itself from the slums. If the areas of population were mixed, it would be better for the poor. And with the development of new vaccines and medical inventions, part of the profits could be used to help the poor who can’t support themselves.
Factory owners should take time to improve the dangerous conditions to keep the workers safe, and they should reduce the amount of hours that the men and women work. Also, women’s salary should be equal to that of the men’s and again, the labor hours should be reduced. The business owners should give more benefits to the workers and build better houses with proper sanitary conditions. Also, there should be a law that forbids children to work until they reach a certain age. This ensures their safety and also ensures that factory owners aren’t getting cheap labor from these children. Overall, the Industrial Revolution is taking Europe into the modern era.
With a few changes, everyone will be able to take advantage of this time and profit from the endless opportunities that arise from the Industrial Revolution.