Revolutionary War Green Battle British

There are many similarities in Anne Bradstreet’s poem The Nathanial Green- American commander who divided his army in half Nearly perfect victory- Battle of Cowpens Last Battle of Revolutionary War- Battle of York Town Francis Marion- “Swamp Fox” used guerilla warfare in South Who did Francis Marion fight against- Cornwallis Who was the commander of the West- George Rogers Clark What was the turning point of the war and why- Saratoga, French realized Americans had a chance When was the surrender of York Town-October 17, 1781 What was the purpose of the 1 st Continental Congress- to deal with the British government What was the purpose of the 2 nd Continental Congress- to direct the war were still crushing on Truman… I giggled… like a little kid… ummm…

getting tickled… yea… ok… bad analogy, point was…

YOU THINK I DIDN”T KNOW THAT! ? ! ? ! Sorry chickadee but I new, lol, I see right to your heart my love! ! ! So… hmmmm Truman proved to us once again that he is a confusing, mind turning, little chap… (WHAT”S NEW? ! ? ! ? ! ) I personally, think he can’t make up his mind… I think you two have what he wants “friendship wise” in a relationship and maybe him and… Jelly Bean (ok I am so proud of this nick name… bobby joe’s initials are BJ and backwards that is JB and JB is an abbreviation for Jelly Bean…

ha! ! ! ) n-e-ways… maybe they have more “romantically” what he is lookin for… so it’s all on chaps shoulders what Where was the Christmas victory- in Trenton What were the 2 names for the Americans who fought with the British- Torres and Loyalists Who took over the other half of Green’s army- Daniel Morgan Nathanial Green escaped at which river- Dan River Who took over Fort Ticonderoga- Ethan Allan What did Charleston serve as- a British Base of Operation Dates Declaration of Independence- July 4, 1776 Baron von Steuben- trained American soldiers to fight Who was supposed to meet Burgoyne but went to Philadelphia instead- Howe.