The Carolina Algonquin and the English Cultures came into conflict during the 1580’s. The first cause of conflict was that the English were being rude to the Indians and their culture. Second, the English brought many different diseases with them and gave them to the Indians. Finally, the third reason was that Ralph Lane had launched a surprise attack on the Indians. As I had said before, one of the reasons there was for conflict was because the English were being rude to the Indians and their way of life. This affected the conflict a little.
To add to the fact, the Indians unchanged way of life was being mocked. One of these times was when the English men got drunk during the sacred harvest ceremony and made fools of themselves and John White. Another time was when one of the English Soldiers Kissed Asco po. In the Indian culture kissing and other forms of physical contact like kissing is considered disgusting.
Also, another time was when the English had just arrived at Roanoke; John White had entered one of the holy burial huts, which was an insult because only the Indians highest priest was aloud to in the burial huts. In addition, another thing that caused the conflict was the disease that the English had brought over from England. Since the Indians were not immune to these different diseases, many of them died. Plus, it was something that the Indian priests had no medicine or cure for either. Ever the great chief Wingina had caught the disease but he did not die from it thankfully.
However, his sister was not as lucky. Another thing was that none of the English were dieing from the disease let alone even getting sick. So the Indians believed that the English were spreading the diseases intentionally. Wanchese had even come up with a name for it. He called it the Invisible Bullets. This was because the Indians were being shot but they did not bleed yet they still died.
It was getting to the point where the Indians just did not know of they could trust the English anymore. Finally, the thing that really set them of was the attack. Ralph Lane became extremely angry because Wingina had ceased all trade with them because he did not trust them. So, Ralph Lane launched a surprise attack. As Ralph Lane and his men slaughter many helpless and unprepared Indians Wingina fled.
Ralph Lanes purpose for the attack was to kill Wingina so he promised gold to man that delivered him the head of the chief. Then one of Lanes soldiers sought out Wingina and shot him and then decapitated him on the spot. In my opinion it was the English that caused the problem and started the fight. In reality, the English brought this upon them selves.
So to conclude why there was a conflict between the Carolina Algonquin and the English cultures was because of three different things. The first was because of the mocking of the Indian culture. Second, was because of small pox, measles and other diseases. Finally, was because of the slaughtering of many Indians and what the attack did to the Indian culture. Ralph Lane not only made an attack on their culture but he also made an attack on their lives!