Roaring Twenties Stock Market

The Roaring Twenties was a decade of prosperity and success. Throughout the years, new technology, communication, transportation, and the lives of many American people following WWI greatly increases. The 1920’s was also a time of great social changes. From world fashion, music, entertainment to the world of politics, improvements produced the most thrilling decade of the century.

With the increase in the economics, investment in increased as well. However, people were lost in delusion of the high prices and they deceived themselves. Nevertheless, the 1920’s is believed to be the time of endless improvement and prosperity. The 1920’s was a time of new inventions, the new decade was erupting with new technology. One invention included the trains, which helped transport people and products in long distances more quickly, and allowed faster delivery.

Trains were easy to use and the price wasn’t high. Another invention was the airplanes, which were used for airmail. This also makes the transportation of mail faster and easier. However, the discovery of automobile changed the people’s life more than any other invention. It gave Americans the freedom to go wherever they want. Automobile also help people seek better education in far places.

It also created more jobs in the Ford Motor Company. With the new inventions of automobile, its faster and more cheaply product, more people could afford to won a car. This produced increased demands for related industries, such as roads, highways, auto parts stores, service stations, hotels and restaurants. Fads, nightclubs, and games also brought an improvement to the 1920’s. The Dance Marathons were introduced, which featured Flappers, rebellious girls who smoked and dressed in sequins and loose dresses, and their partners, who danced till they dropped in order to win prizes for the last one left standing on the floor.

Games such as dice and dominoes were also a big fad, but the greatest was the Mahjong. The Chinese games of mahjong took hold of Americans within a year, with millions of enthusiastic followers. In addition to Fads and Leisure time, fashion was also a big part of the Raring Twenties. Most fashions were brought from movie stars, and it was the first time women’s leg was revealed. Flappers, women who showed no liking of conventional dress and behavior, wore thin dresses, little hats, silk stockings and high-heeled shoes.

However, other high-quality women wore one-piece dresses that are straight and shapeless, in order to conceal their hourglass figures. Men clothing became more youthful looking, baggier and more comfortable. Heir casual day wear consisted of knickers, white collared shirt and a tie. Tuxedos were also popular in the 1920’s, but were not yet completely accepted. The 1920’s often referred to as the “Jazz Age”, a beginning of a distinctive style of music, which originated in New Orleans. Many musicians could not read music, but still played in order to please the audience.

During the Golden Age in New Orleans, solo became more prominent in jazz music. There were many famous jazz artists as well. Bessie Smith, who was the empress of blues and jazz, always stunned the crowd with great singing and a little more. George Gershwin, a famous songwriter, and Duke Ellington, who was the king of the big jazz band also made their appearance during the 1920’s.

Much of jazz reflected the Harlem Renaissance, but white men also got into the act. America was the leading producer of films and entertainment in the world after WWI and into the early 1920 s. Number of screen stars with different style of acting and fashion approached and influenced many people. The most popular star of the generation was Mary Pickford, America’s sweetheart. Another famous actress was Greta Garbo, an influential woman who isolates from her fans for privacy purposes. The 1920’s was also a great era for light-hearted comedy, with the most popular Charlie Chaplin, famous for his silent film.

His trademark was his top hat, square mustache and black cane. Silent films are not just film without sounds they were dramas, romances, slapstick, or comedies. In addition to films, sports were definitely included in the world of entertainment during the 1920’s. There were many female athletes during this time. Tennis player, Helen Rose, at the age of 18, won single champion. Other athletes include Luu G.

, Jack Dan see, a famous boxer, and Pa abo Nurmi, who won the 1000-matter run. The most famous athlete was probably Babe Ruth, a rich baseball player who made almost 70, 000 a year. Sports clothes and equipment were also different during that time. Tennis skirts were longer, making it much harder to play with, and baseball players had to wear helmet instead of hats like those worn today. Along with the improvement of entertainment, the number of laws breaking also increases in the 1920’s. One major law during the 20 s was Prohibition.

Prohibition made the sale of liquor illegal, which led to bootlegging, speak-easier, widespread law breaking, and irregular warfare among competing gangs. The government wanted to clean up the image of America, to reduce crime, poverty, and death races, in order to improve its economy. However, Prohibition was a failure. It caused people to drink more, promoted disrespect for the law, generated criminal activity, and also increased the number of gangsters.

One famous even was the St. Valentines’ Day Massacre. It was the North-Sides verses Al Capone’s gang. As a result, 226 gangsters and 2, 000 civilians were killed.

The 1920’s was also rising in its stock. Stock Market became many people lives. The Stock Market Crash was the most important event during the Roaring Twenties; it had almost dramatically ended the era of prosperity. During this boom period, wages prices were unreasonably high because so many people were buying stocks.

Many banks, eager to increase their profits, began speculating dangerously with their investments as well. However, on Thursday, October 1929, the stock market crashed. Prices abruptly dropped as more investors tried to sell their holdings. People began to panic, going wild, and also considered suicide, as the realization of what had happen began to penetrate in their mind. As a result, millions of investors lost their life savings, factories shut down, banks failed, and millions of unemployed walked the streets in hopeless search for work. This tragic event, with reason not surely known, had end the prosperous era, making the beginning of the Great Depression, and Thursday, October 1929 is forever recognized as Black Thursday.

The 1920’s is believed to be an endless period of improvements and prosperity. The nation seemed to be on the highest level of the world. The economy boomed, new buildings rose everywhere, and numerous inventions approached. It was also known as the “Jazz Age”, from the beginning with Bessie Smith to the top with Duke Ellington.

However, the stock market crash of 1929 brought many unnecessary sufferings and poverty to America, indicating the Great Depression, a downfall period for the country. It was an event that is forever stamped in the history of the American people, signifying their ignorant and careless actions due to the wealthy image of the decade. The 1920’s prosperous life was a period between the ends of the Great War to the terrifying stock market crash.