Robespierre France Revolution Rights

No figure of the French Revolutionary period has aroused so much controversy as that of Maximilien Robespierre (1758 – 1794). Seen by some historians as a power-crazed dictator and yet by others as the ‘incorruptible’ visionary of the revolution, the speculation surrounding his character and ideals is ever prominent. Robespierre earned a name early on in his life for being an intelligent individual and joined the political scene after experiencing a successful career in law. He had a strong interest in humanity and the abused rights of people led him to formulate a more definite philosophy about the rights on man and he began to consider more serious ways in which society could be reformed through the law. Robespierre was very opposed to violence and gained himself the reputation for being a ‘defender of the oppressed’ by commending France on its ability to revolt without bloodshed. .”..

you share with a small number of kings the glory of being worthy of hearing the truth through your zeal in inquiring… and recovering without revolution, without bloody catastrophe, through your own magnanimity, the inalienable rights which have been violated throughout the centuries in almost every country of the world.” – Robespierre Robespierre was elected to the Estates-General that convened in May 1789 and subsequently served in the National Constituent Assembly, where his earnest and skillful oratory soon commanded attention. His auspicious intentions led him to set up and become leader of the Jacobin Club in April 1790, one of the two main political groupings in France at the time of the revolution. There were many factors that influenced Robespierre’s opinions, in particular the writings of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, who was also against violence and for equality.

Through his memoirs, it is clear to see how Robespierre was not interested in the rapid and violent transformation of France, but was a humanitarian nationalist interested only in the slow evolution of a virtuous republic through the present system. “We daily repeat this equitable maxim, as it is better to spare a hundred guilty persons than to sacrifice one innocent” – Robespierre Thus, there is emerging the image of a young, ambitious man concerned only with obtaining justice through peaceful means. So the question must be asked; how did Robespierre become the prototype in aims, methods and personality for later nationalistic dictators such as Hitler (Germany) or Mussolini (Italy) who were both renowned for their cruel techniques and sinister ways? After downfall of the monarchy in August 1792, Robespierre was elected first deputy for Paris to the new National Convention and later, in April 1793 the Convention elected the Committee of Public Safety, which Robespierre became leader of. The new Committee effectively governed France at the height of the radical phase of the revolution.

However, in doing so, it unleashed the famous ‘Reign of Terror’.