Rome Rome Rome Golden Age

“Or perhaps not only the seasons but everything else, social history included, moves in cycles. Not, however, that earlier times were better than ours in every way- our own epoch too has produced moral and intellectual achievements for our decedents to copy. And such honorable rivalry with the past is a fine thing.” This quote taken form Tact is, referring to his quote, that not just in time, but by advancements things repeat. He states that he does not think the past was necessarily better, because it is apparent that because of such advancements and achievements to people’s everyday lives, each day is made easier with every advancement.

Simply by this, the past is not always better than the present. Regardless of weather the world was created by the big bang, God, or another alternative explanation, it is certain that Greece was blessed. Ideal utopia, every reason for one to bicker over possession. The Story of Divine Origin was fought by two brothers, Romulus and Remus. They were the sons of the war god Mars and beautiful princess.

Because of their conditions, they were left to die of exposure on the Tiber river. Rescued by a kind soul, they were raised and when they grew old enough they both desired to build a city of their own, so they built the most beautiful city, in an perfect position. the only conflict was that both wished to rule. Romulus and Remus drew their swords for a fight, in which Romulus dominated, therefore naming the city after himself, Rome. Rome was not the first city and certainly not the last, as Rome’s empire expanded, there was a need for control throughout its reign. Many smaller city-states popped up who were in need of a central , to keep control.

In 47 BC, Caesar, who was one of such chosen rulers, had won the civil war against Pompeii and was to become the dictator of Rome. Julius Caesar had many plans for Rome, the biggest of which was to recreate the republic to better suit the needs for the majority of the population, not just the patricians. Caesar helped spring Rome up to it’s golden age as the rising or good times. However, The people he trusted most, as well as his friends turned against him in 44 BC when he was assassinated. His fellow senators insisted that their actions were taken in order to save the republic. With respect, Caesar’s old partner, Mark Antony, stepped forward to take with on the power and position that Caesar left off with.

to power; however, Octavian, Caesar’s son stood before the senate to read his fathers will. It was decided that Octavian should hold power, not Mark Antony, because it was only right for a direct relative to take over his rule. Eventually, in 30 BC, Octavian defeated Mark Antony and would be the ruler for the next twenty years over Rome. Octavian who changed his name to Augustus, meaning: to look up to or exulted, now created a new form of government called the princeps. The name Augustus seems rather arrogant, as well as making a statement that he is above human standards and he will remember Caesar’s mistakes, such as not respecting the senate.

This new form of government which Octavian developed gave more power to those citizens who were not princeps or who would soon become Rome’s new emperor. In 14 BC, the namesake of the Tiber river, began his reign as a Princeps. He did many important things such as establishing a good military reputation in the Rhine area. His rule was cut short when his assistant, Caligula, grew tired of his masters ideas, or simply went crazy and convincing a gullible guard to murder him and claim that Claudius should reign as the next Emperor. The only noteworthy adjustments made by the new emperor was his contributions to an increased monarchy power and control over the republic.

After five years as a ruler, Claudius mysteriously turned into a homicidal freak by murdering some of the empire’s best army generals and senators. Either by embarrassment or simply that he was afraid of the consequences, Claudius committed suicide in 69 BC. Many more emperors yet to come. In the long run, Rome established the taboo to never have a center of power to just one person.

At times people were even appointed because no one wanted to be the emperor. The majority of who were appointed or decided to take the position were either murdered, committed suicide, or simply resigned. Little did Rome know, that enemy tribes had been migrating west threatening Rome’s boarders. Many such factors lead to Rome’s golden age. The Most important factor would be how Rome started out determined to have a successful, yet public run government which served the people and was only established to keep control and have a central form of government. The original idea of a republic started off with good intentions; however, too many more fortunate people saw opportunity without much work in the government.

One major reason the government switched from being a service driven by the people, to a monarchy, is because of the class separation. Plebeians and Patricians were the two major classes in ancient Rome. The Plebeians were the common folk of Rome who tended the fields and brought in the food. They did not have much say in the government, despite the fact that there were open elections, The patricians usually got the vote, because of their position as well as their money. Patricians were members of the upper class who were privileged enough to be born into their class. They typically ran large estates where the farmers worked for them in the fields.

The only requirement for running for office was to have served as a solider. The Roman’s way of living reflects modern day in many ways such as how our classes are divided. It is obvious today and in the past what class you belonged to. The lifestyle we live today directly reflects almost exactly how the Roman’s carried on their normal lives. The idea of a republic to rule over Rome was a brilliant plan, which had it fallen into fair, expecting, open minded hands would have run much smoother and efficient. However, the men who decided they should have ultimate power, made the “republic” of Rome more of a monarchy.

The public did have some rights, such as the right to vote, under certain circumstances, and the right to run for a public office, if elected. A republic where people had opportunities was a mere illusion, something to stride for. Multiple strategies for public involvement included a senate of multiple leaders, usually ranging from about 100-300 elected senators. This reflects today’s congress which closely resembles their assembly. When there was a head, or center of power, usually a monarchy to the Roman people, this can be most closely described as a president in modern times. Many ideas in which ancient Greece formulated from, such as polytheism, or the belief in more than one god.

The Greeks used this theory to explain their questions they could not answer. Each god Held or her own special purpose, symbolism and religious ness cities. The idea of more than one god still exists today in many countries surrounding Greek and over in the middle east and Asia. However, because of the spread of Christianity, many old rituals and cultures died out once polytheism was not acknowledged any further. Christianity became the beginning of monotheism, or the belief in only one God.

Separation between church and state became a huge political issue, because it was once the church leaders who ruled the kingdom, and not with the acknowledgments of different religions, people saw to it that the church should not have complete control over the empire. In modern times, Near the end of The Roman Empire, borders and control were being lost. The once strong, boarders of Rome began to crumble, along with multiple other issues which brought Rome to it’s knees. Because the Romans in who expanded their empire wished for total control over their kingdom, multiple people were appointed as temporary emperors to keep their city-state under control. The monarchy idea of running a country was not accepted by people well, obviously, because the public had either overthrown their ruler, or in some shape or form, they were disposed of. Constantine single handedly reshaped the empire into an one man ruled monarchy.

He did this by flocculating many ideas in which the people would approve of, therefore support his leadership. He also was the first to openly acknowledge the practice of Christianity and abandon the idea of polytheism, or the belief in more than on God. Christianity had the imperial support as well as a majority of the peoples, because of this, Rome became a city highly influenced by Christianity. At the same time as the blossoming of a new religion, the boundaries once considered invasion-proof, were falling, and fast. Many invaders wished to take control over the symbolic city of Rome, were nearing their way into the empire, crushing any attempts made to stop their intruders. Rome knew it’s golden age was nearing an end, with the infantries multiple defeats, people began to pack up their bangs and begin the long migration into other empires surrounding Rome.

The once strong Roman empire was nearing its last stages of an actual city; However, as military strengths began to suffer the republic began to fall too far from its peak that it was now impossible to regain Rome’s position. After Rome split and the republic fell, the tow sides, the East and West both attempted to become something bigger and went their different paths, neither of which regained much power or position. The West side even attempted to recover the Pax Romana; however, without much luck. But though the Empire itself no longer existed, the Christian church still acknowledged the symbolic meaning of what Rome once was. Through such political figures as Caesar, which came from the heart of Rome’s golden age the roman empire began to play vital role by founding the basics of the medieval European Foundation..