Russia And World War 1

Inspired by Patriotism and an emotional religious fervor, its people instead of fleeing welcomed the threat with rejoices. In their eyes Russia was undef eatable having the largest and strongest army in the world. As the war commenced the conditions within Russia worsened, refugees were flooding into the country, the wounded soldiers refused going back, and the peasants refused against their sons being taken away from the fields. The feeling in Russia became as much anti-war as anti-German. A three-day anti-German riot broke out in Moscow with the news of the fall of Warsaw, this posed quite a problem for the Czar, as his wife Alexandra was a German duchess. On the fronts there were even more problems, soon after the first battles shocking reports about the incompetence of the sanitary department arrived of soldiers laying untreated for up to 5 days.

There was also a huge lack of ammunition and boots in many cases there were only 2 rifles to a platoon of soldiers and each one of those rifles was sometimes limited to 4 shots a day, so basically most of the soldiers had to run at machine gun onslaught with nothing more than sticks. The shortages were due to the fact that the military authorities despite many offers did not want to accept any help from privatized factories. The military authorities also refused to give money for the building of new cold storage plants, which led to huge mountains of rotting carcasses lying on the ground as there was nowhere to store them. The meat couldn’t be transported as well because Russia’s rail system could not cope with the army’s demands. On August 1915 the Czar made himself the Commander-In-chief of the Russian army, this was a large mistake on his behalf as he had no military training and anything that could go wrong would be directly blamed on him.

While Nicholas was away Alexandra was left to rule Russia and Alexandra’s only concern was their son Alexis, Alexis had been born with haemophilia, which meant that the slightest cut or bruise could cause virtually unstoppable bleeding. Doctors were called in but they could not help so Alexandra turned to healers and mystics. The one she had turned to was called Gregory Rasputin and he gained his reputation by his miraculous cures. Rasputin was hated by virtually everyone in the country as it was thought he was corrupting the Czarina and later Nicholas’s cousin had him killed but this did not change anything, which just proved that Rasputin was used as an excuse for all of Russia’s problems. After his death in consequently Russia’s government was left in tatters because of Alexandra’s rash decisions.