1. ) Revolutions -The March Revolution (1914) Russia was a mixed up land dominated by land owing nobles, priests, and their ruler czar. Much of its majority peasant population endured stark poverty. A small middle class and an urban working class were emerging as Russia began to industrialize. -The November Revolution (1917) The government launched a disastrous offensive against Germany. Growing numbers of troops mutinied.
At the same time peasants seized land and drove of fearful landlords. 2. ) Signing of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk -December 3 rd, 1917 A conference between a Russian delegation, headed by Leon Trotsky and German and Austrian representatives began at Brest-Litovsk. Trotsky had the difficult task of trying to end Russian participation in the First World War without having to giving some territory to the Central Powers. By employing delaying tactics Trotsky hoped that socialist revolutions would spread from Russia to Germany and Austria-Hungary before he had to sign the treaty.
3. ) Russian Civil War -November 7 th, 1917 After the overthrow of the Provisional Government, the All-Russian Congress of Soviets met and handed over power to the Soviet Council of People’s Commissars. Vladimir Lenin was elected chairman and other appointments included leading Bolsheviks like Leon Trotsky, Alexei Ryko v, Anatole Lunacharsky, and Joseph Stalin. 4. ) Lenin’s NEP -March 1921 The New Economic Policy (NEP) was the result, a small concession to the capitalist and free market instincts of peasant and very bourgeois alike. Moreover, victory in the civil war was assured by this stage, and allowing a relaxation of the coercive methods symbolized by the War Communism of the last two to three years.
5. ) Stalin gains power -1924 At Lenin’s death, Trotsky and pushed for the top position. They differed on most issues, including the future of communism. Trotsky, a firm Marxist, urged support for a worldwide revolution against capitalism. Stalin took a more cautious view. Efforts to foster Marxist revolutions in Europe after World War I had failed.
Instead, he wanted to concentrate on building socialism at home first. 6. ) Stalin’s Five-Year Plans -1928 Once in power, Stalin set out to make the Soviet Union into a modern industrial power. In the past, said Stalin, Russia had suffered defeats because of its economic Backwardness. He proposed the first of several “five-year plans” aimed at building heavy industrial, improving transportation, and increasing farm output. 7.
) The Great Purge -1934 The purges increased Stalin’s power. Young party members who owed absolute loyalty to him replaced old revolutionaries. All soviet citizens were now well aware of the consequences of disloyalty.