The conquest at Saratoga proved to be a major turning point of the war. It annihilated the British threat from the north and demolished an entire British army. Even more significant, it conveyed France into the war on the American side. Throughout the winter of 1777, a plan was fabricated by the British secretary of the war in order to defeat New York and set apart New England. However, the plan did not do well because poor conditions by the British generals and American persistence.
This resulted in the war turning in accordance to the Patriots. The plan was that Lieutenant Colonel Barry St. Lawrence and the east to the Hudson. General Howe was to move up the Hudson River to Albany, New York while another British Force and their commander John Burgoyne moved south from Canada to meet him. Howe confiscated Philadelphia hoping the shift would discourage the Americans and at the same time encourage the dismayed Loyalists.
He succeeded and defeated Washington at the Battle of Brandywine. In the long run his plot turned out to be disastrous to the British Cause. St. Legar and his forces arrived on Fort Stan wix but they withdrew when they heard news that Benedict Arnold and his out sized army were on their way. General Burgoyne captured Fort Ticonderoga.
Lacking assistance from Howe, his forces were constantly pestered by hit and run Guerrilla tactics of the smaller more supple American Forces. Burgoyne withdrew from Saratoga when they were short of supplies. At Saratoga Burgoyne was surrounded by a crack force that was under the command of General Horatio Gates. Burgoyne then surrendered along with his troop of 6000 on his side on October 17 th, 1777.