The Colosseum is a grand building which is one of the main ancient Roman buildings to survive. It symbolizes Rome and its history. It was an important part of the Roman culture where varied and extraordinary events were carried out. The presence of the building in the city was a constant reminder of the emperor’s power. Wembley Stadium was built in 1923 for The British Empire exhibition and could be cals sed as ‘todays coloseum’.
Apart from providing facilities its purpose was to make a public statement. It has two twin towers which are famous and are seen as part of our heritage. Wembley stadium is not only a football pitch but is used as a running track, dog racing track and has been used to host many pop concert as well as the Olympic games. The colosseum was also used to host various games and events. Both venues are oval in shape which ensures that more people can be accommodated and different events can be held. The stadium is larger than the colosseum as it seats 80, 000 people whereas the colosseum catered for 45, 000 seated and 5, 000 standing.
Prior to being made into all seater stadium 126, 000-20, 000 people could be accommodated as the 1923 world cup event showed. Both buildings were strong enough though they were built using different products. The colosseum was a proportioned building, everything was well planned and constructed such as the arched openings which were neither too short nor too tall. The archways gave ways to pathways which went around the building and up to the tiered seating. The reason for these arches was to ensure that there was sufficient availability for public access. The colosseum was originally built to also cater for 5, 000 standing whereas Wembley Stadium had to be converted and it already had fireproof building materials incorporated.
The seating in both venues is similar in that it is tiered, the colosseum had five levels, each separated by landings. The lowest level made in marble was for the Emperor and the highest with wood benches for the slaves. Wembley has VIP seats with their own restaurant areas. Seats vary in price due to visibility and positioning. There are similarities and differences in both buildings but they were monuments of pride and served their purpose. The Stadium is at the moment going through total restoration which will greatly alter its structure..