Society And Greek Mythology

From the beginning, man has had a need to explain why he is here, he needs to know his origins. He also needs to know how his surroundings got there, the mountains, sea, sky, and sun and things like that. People started to tell stories to explain these things. Of course they couldn’t be alone, someone had created them and their world, gods. They made the gods to look like themselves. Over the years people would hear these stories and pass them on to others.

Soon the stories were spread very far from where they started. They had also changed a bit with the language translations and because they wanted to adjust it to what they liked. These stories not only helped the ancient people understand their origins, but also gave them a good start on the relationship for a religion of a God that understood them because he was like them, showed them that what the people in a society had to say was important, and also gave women a belief that they had a place in society. Long ago, God was not a being that man could relate to. People had no evidence of the true existence and part that God played in the world. The Greeks found a way to make gods that the people could almost see and feel.

The great stories gave them an understanding of many things that they had wondered about for a long time. The greek gods looked like them and used their powers to either give a gift to the world or punish it. This helped bring about a real relationship between a normal man and God that still exists today. The Greeks believed that anything anyone had to say was true. They took every word said and heard with a true meaning and reason. Even today, people have to admit that is what our nation is built on.

Democracy is the belief that the people of our society have a right to use words as a truth to what they believe and that what they say is important. The gods of Greek Mythology were not only males. The goddesses were strong and powerful too. When these myths were told year after year, women began to understand and develop an opinion that they had power in society. The rights of women were molded long before our times.

Greek mythology has shaped many parts of our society. Even though they were stories that were started by men and changed throughout the ages, they have made an impact on the world and how it is to this day.