Socrates Ideas Vs Gandhis

1. “I desire only to know the truth, and to live as well as I can… And, to the utmost of my power, I exhort all other men to do the same… I exhort you also to take part in the great combat, which is the combat of life, and greater than every other earthly conflict.” Socrates’ aim for the truth and justice created many admirers, many wanted to learn from him, learn to better their life, and to never settle.

They too wanted to find truth and justice within their own lives. Socrates introduced a concern for detailed method in thought, and added an interest of logic in argument. His ideas has changed the view of many around the world, even today. Gandhi devoted his life to peace and brotherhood in order to achieve social and political progress. The work of these two men enlightened people for ages, educators took their work and used it over and over, because even today respect for the law, corruption of the youth, death, and suicide are big topics that are gone over daily. During the Socrates’ trial as well as his life, he has had a great respect for the law.

He was against illegality, with all that he did, he would rather take the chance with the law on his side, rather than risk imprisonment and death with injustice. He feared unrighteous and unholy acts, and no matter how oppressive the government it did not steer him the wrong way. He felt that the law was their for just reasons, they would not do their people wrong, they were put there to protect them. Ironically, the judicial system was what unfairly did him in. One can understand that disobeying the law will get you nowhere, although one might 2. disagree, justice will always prevail.

To Socrates knowledge is amusing, he freely talked to people, searching for answers to questions unknown. He truly made people think about that of which would have never been brought up. Never did he force upon citizens to listen, he preached of incredible things. People in ancient Greece had minds of their own and to stimulate them is not to corrupt. Those who participated were not regulars, for he conversed openly with whomever would listen. No matter what caste or age, he who listened, asked, or answered always learned something.

An individual can believe that the youth too have their own minds, and that no matter what any corruption that occurs comes from their decisions, and their decisions alone. Death to Socrates was optimistic. He believed that death was either a state of nothingness and implicit oblivion, or a change and migration of the soul to alternate worlds. Within this state of complete nothingness you are undisturbed, and completely rejuvenated as well as enlightened, this to Socrates was considered a gain. On the other hand he believed in the possibility that when you die, you go to another place, a place where all that have passed remain, where you are judged, and then sent to socialize with those of whom you wish.

Here he may continue his inquiry of true and false knowledge by conversing with those who stimulate him intellectually. Someone can only hope that at their demise these options are presented to them, no one will ever truly know. “Any man who has the spirit of philosophy, will be willing to die, though he will 3. not take his own life, for that is held not to be right.” (pg. 59) Socrates believed that suicide is the only exception to any evil that may be used for good. No situation is big enough to run away from, not only will people be angry, the gods as said will take better care of you that you yourself.

As a human being you have a duty to remain till the end. A person would agree with this opinion, there is no justifiable reason to kill ones self, no matter how bad the problem, there is always a way to make things better. , with his opinionated perspective on life, did not fair well with the law. He respected those who respected him. The law took rights from Asian people, they also enforced these laws with violence. Something that Mahatma Gandhi and followers were completely against.

Unlike Socrates, Mahatma Gandhi did not respect and obey the laws, instead with passive resistance he beat the laws, and made them more just for his people. The youth was very perceptive of Mahatma Gandhi’s way of life and beliefs. They agreed with his honest, and non-violence approach, and therefore rebelled against what they knew previously. It is just as true as in ancient Greece, the Indian youth too have minds of their own.

He too preached that of a genius, but just the same as Socrates, society condescended him. According to Mahatma Gandhi, no man is good before death. Only to those who believed he held certain attributes. God plays a big part to him in death, Mahatma Gandhi proceeds to explain that ultimately you search for the truth in life, and until you completely succeed, you are reinstated on this earth depending on karma. Very 4. different than Socrates’ two joyous states, although it is reliable that the truth is always what is to be discovered.

Mahatma Gandhi liked to view suicide as a quick way out, he used this word very frequently. Why would someone take the easy way out? According to Mahatma Gandhi, the non-violent laws are those that are which do not encourage such behavior, but one must think that this behavior is a true view of utter violence. Socrates believed that men no matter how terrible the situation, should always wait it out. Friends and family will be very angry, and the gods can take better care of you that you yourself. ” I cannot and will not cut my conscience to fit this years fashion.” ~Lillian Hellman. This quotation by Lillian Hellman explains to the reader how no matter what others say or believe, she will not change her views of what is right and or wrong.

Nor will she give in her friends, who were communists, to the authorities. Socrates, despite how others lived their lives, never conformed to their society. Instead took what was given to him and tried to better it, tried to make people look past what others think, and look out for their own best interest. Unfortunately this lead to his demise, but during his earthly expedition, he taught others as well as himself to the best of his ability. Mahatma Gandhi too believed that society’s standards were not what they should be. Mahatma Gandhi took the passive resistance approach to bettering his environment, not only did others follow, but he did not back down and succeed in achieving his goal.

His views of right and wrong changed the history of India for times to come. “The quest of truth involves self-suffering, sometimes even unto death.” ~Gandhi Truth and justice are two major things people strive for in life. Most fail to unravel even half the knowledge they truly are after. Socrates and Gandhi obtained their own philosophies on their respect for law, the corruption of youth, death, and suicide.

They found their truths and from this their demise.