Spanish American War Islands Cuba Power

The Spanish- of 1898 marked a turning point in American history. Within a few years of the war’s end, the United States established itself as a world power, exercising control or influence over islands in the Caribbean Sea, the mid-Pacific Ocean and close to the Asian mainland. The conflict has sometimes been called “The Newspaper War,” largely because the influence of a sensationalist press, “Yellow Journalism”, supposedly brought on the fighting. Key to a sense of rage propagated by the media was the events of February 1898, which culminated with the destruction of an American battleship, the USS Maine, in a Cuban harbor. The media sensationalized the events in February and the two months following until war began, prompting a debate that still rages whether the press merely reflected the publi’s desire for war, or, in fact, actually fed it.

The Treaty of Paris which end with the this war, made America control over the overseas empire — Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Philippine islands, Guam, and other islands. Cuba: U. S. interest in purchasing Cuba had begun long before 1898 as it help U. S.

in economy. Mostly in sugar, was worth twice that much. The Philippine islands: Philippine have an advantageous location which is locate in Asia, so America could trade with the Asian countries easily, especially developing markets in China As America needed to colonize more place to strengthen its power, but during that time, almost all colonies were carved up, only Spain had the least power among those countries, so the war of Spanish American was required. Under Spanish rule in Cuba had become progressively harsh and revolution broke out in 1895. Based on LIBERTY, President William McKinley was under tremendous public pressure to defend U. S.

interests on this island. Also, Philippines, because of the Spanish American War, U. S. help evict Filipinos Spanish rulers.