Evolution and State Science is one of the most important fields of study in our society. People also make religion an important part of our lives. So who decides which one is really right when they contradict each other? In the State vs. John Scopes trial, or “The Monkey Trial”, the state of Tennessee made their own laws based on the thoughts of the people with power.
Tennessee had an anti-evolution statute, which made it against the law for any school to teach Darwin’s theory of evolution. John Scopes was a simple teacher that believed in the study of science, and felt that evolution should be taught to children because schools should be obligated to give both sides of an argument, instead of teaching a one sided view that is thought of best by the state. The state of Tennessee was a majority of religious people who had much faith, but just like the theory of evolution, the theory of creation had no real solid evidence, which in essence makes both theories. The State vs. John Scopes trial was one that the Supreme Court got involved in and showed how the government of democracy cannot be reliable on decisions that are very controversial and unjust. The anti-evolution statute that the state of Tennessee had was truly unjust for many reasons.
First, it violated John Scopes basic right of freedom of speech. It also forced students to learn about religion and pretty much made schools into propaganda for what the majority of the state wanted. This statute had students more associated with God and not on what truly was important, education. The object of school was to give students the best education that could be provided by the state, but because of the interests of the state, they students were getting cheated out of their basic education of life and science. The subject of science is an important part of our society. Many of the great things we have in our society today were brought through the study of science.
The state of Tennessee tried to censor a part of our sciences by creating the anti-evolution statute. Children should be able to learn whatever they are told and whatever they truly believe in. From John Scopes teaching evolution, it basically gave the children another form of education that shows a different path of how human beings were created. Evolution is simply a part of education and is not any different from simple chemistry or biology. Evolution was a theory and until evidence is really shown, then it will always be a theory. Creation under God is a theory as well and the state of Tennessee wanted only what they believed in to be taught in schools.
The state simply took in one theory and banished the other which is really unjust for the people that believe in the theory of science no matter how small the minority. Religion is an important part of our lives, but to shut out all other beliefs that contradict religion is simply unjust. Religion is a faith, and should be believed in by anyone who chooses to, like stated in the Constitution where everyone has a freedom of religion. The Tennessee statute against evolution also took away that freedom of religion towards children by forcing them to learn about God and creation. This trial is a good example of how controversial issues cannot be simply determine by a judge or a jury. When the trial was given a guilty verdict, which was probably planned to be the outcome before the trial started, gave the defense a better chance at slowing down the banishment of the teaching of evolution in schools by being able to take it up to the Tennessee Supreme Court.
When the trial was brought to the Supreme Court the verdict was reversed, but the issue of evolution in schools was not solved. The government that we are supposed to put our trust in could not decide whether the teaching of evolution in schools was unjust or not. The people that judge and govern our country are still only human, and human emotions and thoughts always affect the outcome of the verdict. The true men with power can still put their thoughts and reasoning into the decisions of the verdict and can change it to whatever their views on the matter is. Evolution to this day is still a pending issue on whether it is unjust or not to be taught in schools, but I believe that students should be able to learn on their own and decide what they believe is the true beginning of human life. I think that the people learning the theory of evolution should make their own assumptions on the matter and decide for themselves whether or not to believe in it, just like they are giving the choice to believe in God and religion.
If people can be giving the right and freedom to choose their own religion, then why can they not have the right and freedom to choose if they believe in the theory of evolution? The State vs. John Scopes trial was indeed a “monkey trial” whereas the evolution matter was still never really solved. Even to this day we study evolution in our schools, but there are still some states that do not allow the theory to be taught in their schools. There is also a consent that must be told to the student in order to learn the theory of evolution in schools today. I believe that our country was filled with ignorance and still is today. If we cannot let or people of the United States have their own choice in choosing what they want to believe or not, then what real freedom do we have?.