Native Americans Europeans Japanese Thought

1. The Europeans saw themselves as the superior party in their early contacts with other cultures in the world. They were very ethnocentric. They looked up their noses at other cultures that they came across during their exploration. When they went to Africa, They live in huts that do not keep out the rain. The Europeans did have houses that kept rain out to keep them dry.

They thought the Africans would accept their faith because? worshiped nothing? . They value metals that would be of use that they don? t have. They don? t have a distinct eating schedule. They eat and drink at least five times a day. They have no hair. The Europeans thought hair was beautiful.

The Europeans felt the same way about the or? Indians? as they called them. They were more easily converted by friendliness. They were given rosary bead and red caps and they were happy. The Europeans looked down at the fact that the Native Americans had boats made entirely of one tree and did not have any metal in it at all. The Europeans thought it was immoral not to be clothed, but in their culture, it was not. Vespucci believes that if the Native Americans were properly clothed, they would be white.

He looked down on the fact that the bows did not have any kind of iron or hard metal. They had no leader, when the European had people to lead them. They eat their food off the ground, this the Europeans found unclean when they never bathed themselves. Torres thought that the Japanese were better disposed to embrace Christianity.

They are addicted to sensuality and sins. They viewed the Japanese as pagans because of this. 2. The Africans and Native Americans fell to prey to the European Contact. For the people in Africa, the Europeans their attitudes against them. They are very friendly people.

They offered their wives to the explorers. The Africans were divided into a lot of different small tribes throughout the continent. They were constantly at war with people who didn? t speak the same language. The explorers took advantage of that fact. They became dependant on white man? s technology. They were superstitious, didn? t have a unified religion.

The native Americans also fell to prey to the European contact. The Native Americans did not believe that land could be owned. They used it and moved on when they couldn? t use it anymore. They were nomadic. When the explorers came, the Native Americans didn? t have a problem with the white man coming because they were there to use the land.

Nothing in nature could be owned. The Native Americans were given red beads and a cap. They were rosary beads. They were happy with what they were given. The Europeans viewed them as children that they had to teach the right way to do things. 3.

The European accounts in Japan were much different then the accounts of Africa and America. The Europeans actually had some respect for the Japanese because of their moral values. The Japanese were also ethnocentric. They were saying good things about the culture. The few things that they said badly were that they were obsessed with values. They said that they were of excellent character.

They prize the value of their weapons. The accounts of the Africans and the Native Americans were extremely similar. They were viewed as barbaric. They were viewed as immoral because they were not clothed. The native Americans were treated as if they were children. The Europeans thought that they were able to be manipulated easily.

They thought that they needed the European technology and morals. 4. History took a different direction with the Japanese and with the Africans and the Native Americans. The Japanese were more like the Europeans.

They had similar morals and their lifestyle was very similar. The Japanese were more worried about morals than the Europeans were. The Japanese had the same attitude as the Europeans about each other? s respective culture. They thought the Japanese women were pious and the Japanese men cruel. They were forbidden to go anywhere..