The original empire of Alexander’s empire was split up between the Antigonid kingdom, Ptolemaic kingdom, Pergamene kingdom, and lastly the Seleucid kingdom. The Antigonid territory covered northern sections Greece and modern day Macedonia and Albania. The Ptolemaic kingdom covered the sections of Africa, especially Egypt that Alexander had conquered. The Pergamene kingdom was the eastern sections of Persia. (Modern-day western turkey). The Seleucid kingdom covered the huge amount of frontier lands between the Mediterranean and India & Pakistan.
Each of these kingdoms would eventually crumble. Antigonus Conatus, in which the first kingdom was named for, was a grandson of one of Alexander’s top generals, and succeeded in creating the Antigonid dynasty in Macedonia. TheAntigonids believed that control of Greece was necessary, however did not feel that conquering was the best solution either. Eventually however, the Macedonian state fell to Roman conquest. The Seleucid society stretching from Turkey to India.
However with the huge kingdom size, it was quite difficult to defend, and was invaded by the Mauryan Empire. This empire eventually took over by the Indian empire, and gradually declined until it was finally taken over by Roman Forces. The third Hellenistic kingdom was the Pergamene. Based off the Seleucid territory, it was ruled by the Atta lid dynasty. This society originally introduced the Romans into Eastern Europe and Western Asia, but eventually declined, and was made into a Roman province. The last kingdom of Alexander’s empire was Egypt and surroundings.
Under control of Ptolemy another former Macedonian general, the Ptolemaic survived, and a dynasty of pharaohs was soon created. This kingdom easily lasted the longest, but was eventually ended with the arrival of Cleopatra VII who allied herself with the losing side of the Roman forces, and was soon conquered by Caesar. Overall, none of the kingdoms lasted very long, and contributes to the continuing saga that Europe has always been changing, and to this day continues to change. The territory again changed hands like it has in the past, and gives further proof that history repeats itself.