Ottoman Empire Alliance Russia Serbian

Before the was began, europe was divided into two alliance groups triple entente: Britain, France, And Russia. Central Powers: Germany, Austria-Hungary and the . Each of the six countries were empires (they all have colonies and they were all Imperialist powers) Alliance System: “Balance Of Terror” designed in the belief that, because no country in there right mind went to fight a war the have a good chance of losing, no country will choose to start a was. In an alliance system, if 1 member of the alliance is attacked, it’s allies must help defend it.

If a country were to attack one member of the alliance, it would be at war with all of them. Europe in 1914 Serbia was, before 1914, controlled by the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman empire (Ott. ) was shrinking and the austria-Hungary (Att), was taking up the slack in the Balt in Region Russia is ethnically slavic (slavic was a common ethnic background as do persians, filipinos, A ngo-Saxons and the first nation people. ) Serbians are also slavic-this was enough to justify Russia’s support for serbian independent from both Ott and A-h Empires. Russian in essence, made a side alliance with serbian nationalists.

Europe was a powder keg — >waiting for a spark! The Spark A-H had a royal family (the Hapsburgs) which ruled the empire Arch Duke frans ferdinand (A Hapsburg wa their heir to the throne) was a tour of Bosnia (Part of A-H in 1914) On june 28, 1914, ferdinand was shot and killed in sarajevo by serbian terrorist (trying to gain independence from A-H) A-H reacted by sending armies to serbia and bosnia to punish serbian nationalists and take better control of the balkan states. Russia decided to send armies to support serbia’s attempt at independence — > A-H and Russia were now at war!