The reasons for the consequences of exploration. Christopher Columbus is a prime example and was only one of many Europeans who spread Western civilization throughout the world. During around the 1300 s-1350 s, most Europeans didn’t have the curiosity or the skill to explore foreign lands. On the other hand by the late 1400 s, economics, society, and technology had changed significantly. The transformation ignited European concerns in the lands beyond Europe. Soon enough, captivating explorers/Europeans discovered new routes and trade routes to many other distant places.
These explorations unlocked over four centuries. As Europeans became more interested in exploring what is beyond of Europe, they knew they needed to become familiar with the seas. So with that, they enriched themselves through vigorous training in the waters for many hours. At the same time there was also competition that went on against the almighty Arabs and local traders. Europeans then began to focus on finding new sea routes to the East.
To overcome this feat, they needed much detailed oriented maps, precise compasses / navigation systems, long lasting and rigorous ships, and weapons. Seeing that these went on for awhile, at the same time, Europeans also set sail to newfound lands such as Asia where the consequences of exploring the land came valuable spices such as pepper, paprika, and so on. As well as the spices, the explorers obtained precious silk that was nowhere to be found during their time. With such luxuries, they bartered with what they had and delivered the goods to Spain and Portugal. While aromatic spices and silk were discovered at Asia and Africa, treasured metals and minerals were revealed in Mexico, where the Aztecs and other Indians owned gold, copper, bronze, and some silver. The ruthless and greedy explorers killed and annihilated Aztecs and other Indian tribes just so they can have their gold.
Though it seems that the explorers were Catholics, they still acted upon their lust for materialistic possessions and grievous killings. Obviously, regardless of the awful actions that occurred during the era of exploration, it lead also lead to economic changes. The standardized money was also developed. Subsequently, political and social changes happened. With these changes in mind, these important discoveries led to the consequences of exploration. Ultimately, all lands, materials, and other such things were discovered.
The important findings inspired people of the past, and influenced the people of the present. These were the consequences of exploration. Overall, the explorations back then were a huge success based on the trials and error that they had to go through, and now as aspiring humans we are, we will do no matter what to explore the newer world out there, which is outer space.