Cree Hunters One Live Tribe

Life in the Cree Hunters’s ociety is mainly independent. They are secluded in the wilderness from the rest of the tribe, and from the rest of civilization. The only outsiders that come in contact with the Cree hunters are fur traders twice each year. They are completely dependent on the environment around them.

They get all that they need from the wilderness by hunting bears and beavers, fishing, and gathering. This is very unlike the US. The US relies on many other countries for support for imports and exports, and most people go to their local grocery store for food instead of hunting it themselves. Their religion is mainly based around honoring the wilderness around them. They honor the animals that they live in balance with, honoring the bear above all. They don’t honor gods or goddesses.

The main religions in the US are Christianity and Judaism. They both honor one God as their God, and no one else. It is a sin to honor animals as idols in both of these religions. Another aspect of the Cree Hunters’ culture is their political situation. A man is to marry one wife and they can move away from the tribe to their own plot of land. While the hunters are away from the Mistassini tribe, they live in their separate families.

The father or elder male of the family always rules. This is to say, they make the decisions about hunting, fishing, and living. The US culture is very much like this. A man marries a woman and they move in together. The male is usual the leader or decision maker in the family. For the spring, summer, and fall months, the hunters live in cloth tents that are set up on their land.

In the late autumn months, the families gather together and begin preparing for the winter by building a log cabin using the trees around them. The cabin is only one room big, but allows for enough space for the families staying. Most of the population of the US live in homes or stationary buildings of some sort like apartments or condominiums. They don’t move around every season like the Cree hunters do. Assignment of roles is also very important in the Cree hunters’s ociety. Women are in charge of chopping all fire wood for cooking and heating fires.

They are also in charge of gathering spruce branches for the floor of the winter lodge, as well as cooking, cleaning, and running the camp smoothly. This is very important because the men of the tribe are the actual hunters. They disappear from the camp for days or weeks at a time, leaving the women to take care of the rest of the family. In the US society, one or both of the adults in a relationship are employed somewhere working. Assignment of roles is still a major factor at the home though, which are split depending on the interests of those in the relationship. In the Cree hunters’s ociety, the men teach their sons the way of life.

Women teach their daughters the jobs of the female. When the children are very young, they are sent to school with the white people to learn to speak English. They are then taken away from the school after a short time so that the child does not lose the Indian ways. In the US society, children are required to attend 10 years of school at a minimum..