There are several heightened moments during the play that helps to create this dramatic mood at this point in the play. The way that characters interact with each other creates tension because the actions they use towards each other gives hints as to their past history and any hidden secrets, for example John Proctor and Abigail’s affair. An example of how characters reactions to each other creates suspense is, “Without warning or hesitation, Proctor leaps for Abigail and, grabbing her by the hair pulls her to her feet.” This comes after Abigail has accused Proctor of witchery and just before Proctor tells the court about their affair. His actions towards her tell the audience that he and Abigail have some history, and creates anticipation that something is about to happen. Another example is when Elizabeth is questioned in the court and “glances at Proctor for a cue.” This creates tension because the audience sees that Elizabeth knows about the affair with Abigail, but has to… By choosing death, Proctor takes the high road and becomes a true tragic hero.
He ends up choosing death because a false confession would mean implicating other accused people. He cleansed himself at the trial, standing for what he knew was right and died a righteous person. What was most important to him was to make a stand against the insanity of the town, for himself and for God, and using that as a last resort to make people aware of what was happening. This last stand for righteousness is an example of Proctor’s true character and rationale.