When Abigail Williams and a few of her friends were caught dancing naked in the woods, they start trying to make excuses. Betty Williams a 10 year old daughter of a priest fakes her sickness. So the priest thinks they were dancing for satan. Abigail denies the whole thing and says they were only just having fun.
The Priest doesnt buy it so Abby starts going a little insane. She starts blaming the maid Tit uba, who was there slave from Barbados, they whip here until she confesses of witchcraft. Then Abby starts blaming a whole bunch of people in the the town of witchcraft so the attention would get off of her. She blamed the most innocent people in the town because she thought they were more less obvious to fight back in the court. WHen John Proctor, Abby former employer, finds out about what Abby is doing he tries to stop her. But Abby and John have a little history together.
John Proctor was having an affair with Abby when she was working at the proctor house. when his wife Elizabeth finds out she is furious and fires Abby from the proctor house. In revenge she accuses Elizabeth of witchcraft. John is furious and tires to stop her. Abby relies what hes doing so she accuses him and throws him in jail. In the end all of the people that she accuses get hanged except for Elizabeth Proctor because she was pregnant.
They find out that Abby was lying the whole time and when the try to find her they realize that she has run away and she is never heard from again.