Chapter 9 ON THE EVE OF WAR Spotlight Canada Pages 209-230. INTRODUCTION Just 2 decades after WWI the world drowns into another massive war. The peace of WWI sewed the seeds of WWII. The humiliated the people of Germany. The turned to the dictator and fascist, Adolf Hitler Hitler launched a campaign to expand Germany’s over all of Europe. By September 1939 Britain & France had declared war on Germany.
A week later Canada had joined the war. More than 1 million Canadians served in the war and 55 thousand gave their lives. With WWII Canada transformed, its economy developed a stronger industrial base Canadian-American political and economic ties became closer. Japanese, Italian and those who were convicted of sympathizing the enemy were put in internment camps.
The terror in Nazi camps, in which 6 million Jew, millions of many “political prisoners and other groups were murdered, brought a new awareness of human rights issues. Canada emerges from the war with a new commitment to world peace and a growing concern for human rights. Include a copy of the timeline on PG 210 in your notes here. WORLD WAR II Six million Jews died in WWII Another 24 million from all sides of the war (Canadian, British, French, Soviet, Dutch, German, Italian, Japanese, American, and many others. ) the heartbreaking lose of 30 million people in WWII. CASE STUDY: GERMANY AFTER WORLD WAR I To understand the cause of WWII we must analyze the conditions of Germany during 1918 to 1932.
Why did the German people turn to the Nazi leader, Adolf Hitler? Why were the Jewish people so harshly treated? What was Canada’s reaction? The Treaty of Versailles After WWI the leaders of the victorious countries gathered in to sign the Treaty of Versailles. Some leaders such as President Woodrow Wilson felt that the defeated country should be treated with justice and honor, so that they would not seek vengeance in the future. Other leader including Prime Minister Lloyd George of Britain and Premier Georges Clemenceau of France also wanted to avoid another war. But they were determined Germany should pay for the damage done and the lives lost. The also wanted to ensure Germany would remain weak. The terms of the treated placed many restrictions on Germany.
Economic Problems: Inflation Depression and Unemployment Political Instability HITLER COMES TO POWER Include “Canada and Fascism” here SDFGHDF SDFGHDF SDFGHDF SDFGHDF SDFGHDF SDFGHDF SDFGHDF SDFGHDF SDFGHDF SDFGHDF SDFGHDF SDFGHDF SDFGHDF SDFGHDF SDFGHDF SDFGHDF SDFGHDF SDFGHDF SDFGHDF SDFGHDF SDFGHDF SDFGHDF SDFGHDF SDFGHDF SDFGHDF SDFGHDF SDFGHDF SDFGHDF SDFGHDF safgsdgdsghjgd safgsdgdsghjgd safgsdgdsghjgd safgsdgdsghjgd safgsdgdsghjgd safgsdgdsghjgd safgsdgdsghjgd safgsdgdsghjgd safgsdgdsghjgd safgsdgdsghjgd safgsdgdsghjgd safgsdgdsghjgd.