Anti-Semitism was widely known all over Europe before the Nazis came to power, The Jews were widely discriminated for many years, the were treated unjustly in the courts of were sometimes forced to live in Ghettos. The Jews were widely discriminated due to several reasons, the were widely blamed for the death of Jesus Christ and people were envious of them because they were well educated and were successful in well paid professional jobs, or ran businesses and stores. Hitler believed in the racial purity of the Aryan race, according to Hitler the Jews were considered an inferior race that was a threat to the Aryans. Hitler also made accusations that the Jews were to blame for Germanys defeat in World War One, he believed that Jewish business men sold out Germanys army to the triple entendre thus Germanys defeat in the war.
Accusations of a Jewish communist conspiracy intent on ruling the world were wide spread. Hitler believed this because Karl Marx’s parents were Jewish, yet the baptised him a Christian, Hitler believed that Marx was a Jew so there fore the communists and Jews were in league. This fact is ludicrous as the communists and Jews hated each other, the communists didn’t believe in religion while Jews are extremely religious. Hitler’s book Mein Kampf (my struggle) portrays his Anti-Semitism beliefs. Between 1933 and 1939 the Jews were widely harassed and discriminated under the reign of Hitler.
When Hitler came to power in 1933 he began mobilising his powers as Fuehrer. He first began banning Jews from Civil Service jobs, then he banned then from media jobs such as broadcasting, he then banned them from teaching. Next Hitler ordered The SA and the SS to carry out a boycott of Jewish shops the SS and SA marked Jewish shops with a Star of David or the word Jude n was written on the shop windows. The SS and SA men that stood outside the shops intimated people not to go on, if people were seen entering the shops then they would be reported to the Gestapo.
Jews were also made to sit in separate public places and the children in schools were taught Anti-Semitic ideas. Following this Hitler issued the Nuremberg laws, these laws took away The Jews German citizenship, forbade marriages between Jews and Non Jews. Finally in 1938 when a Jew shot dead a Nazi official Hitler ordered Himmler to carry out a week of terror against the . On the 10 th Of November Crystal Night occurred on that night over 10, 000 Jewish shops were smashed and looted, Jewish homes and Synagogues were burnt and dozens of Jews were killed and arrested.
The Jewish population were ordered to pay a fine of 1 billion marks and men and women were forced to scrub the streets. The Jews were not the only people to be persecuted, because Hitler believed in An Aryan race he persecuted everyone that was a threat, he persecuted homosexuals because they were a threat to the Nazi ideas on family life, and they persecuted the disabled because they were a threat to the Nazis idea of a master perfect race. Families that were born with a hereditary illness were sterilised, over 300, 000 men and women were sterilised by the Nazis. In 1939 the Nazis began a euthanasia programme, between 1939 and 1941 72, 000 mentally ill patients were gassed and at least 5000 mentally disabled babies were either given a lethal injection or starved to death. A public German outcry stopped these killings, although the extermination of the so-called “a socials” which consisted of homosexuals, alcoholics, the homeless, prostitutes, habitual criminals and beggars continued. When Germany invaded Poland on the 1 st of September 1939 they found that Poland had a large Jewish population, when Germany invaded the USSR in June 1942 they find an even bigger Jewish population, they decided to tackle the problem using two methods, the first method was that they were going to expel all Jews from Europe and send them to Madagascar, this method failed as they couldn’t use the ships and the seas were unsafe because it was war-time.
The second method was to place the Jews in large Ghettos, mainly in Warsaw, this problem failed because when the Jews died there bodies rotted and when they rotted diseases spread, the diseases spread over the walls and it became a problem to outlying German cities. The Germans decided to send in Eizanstadt units, these men would come in after the army had stopped fighting their job was to round up all Jews and Communists and shoot them. They would kill the able bodied as well ranging from children to men. This strategy failed because the men in the Eizanstadt units disliked the job and it caused lack in moral. When Hydric h called the top Nazi officials together at the Wan see Conference, they decided what the were going to do about the Jewish population, they mass evacuations had failed, as it was taking to long, the plan to expel the Jews to Madagascar had failed, and the Ghettos were overpopulated and the diseases were becoming a problem, so they decided to build extermination camps, these camps were specifically designed to end the Jewish problem, it began with the transport of the Jews from German occupied Europe by rail to the extermination camps in Poland.
When they arrived in the camps they separated the able-bodied workers from the rest, then they would either shoot those unable to work or send them to shower rooms on there way to the shower rooms they were removed of their valuables like there clothes and jewellery. Once they were in the shower rooms they were locked in and gassed. The workers would then check there bodies for more valuables like gold teeth. Every two weeks the able bodied workers were inspected by doctors those who could continue to work passed the test those who failed the test were killed. I have come to conclude that the Final Solution was an act of madness, a last attempt to eradicate the Jews; I think the German Government aware of its imminent demise was intent on the destruction of the European Jewry. kevin boyle.