once there was a dog named George who went to the store ad bought a bag of dog food to eat and went hoe m and sat in the sun on the trampoline to eat his dog food, A bear came into the back yard and scared the girl so she ran inside and got attacked my stink bugs, She hated them so much and had to kill so many of them, its really sucked. There was a girl name Miranda who had a sister and o brother named ge gore and fred. They all wrested and were the wrselting family. Lord of the Flies is a book in witch Symbolism plays a huge part.
There are many symbols which bec oem evident throughout the story but some are much more important than others. Ralph and Piggy seem to be the only ones who stay sain on the island. All of the other boys become evil and resort to savagery, its ridiculous, Once Piggy dies, raph has no one at all. He is alone which is why he has to hide.
Simon gets killed on acci dnet but this represents the boys becoming evel… Piggy get s a rock dropped on his head with is how he dies. Its really sad, But it really sucked because i had to watch the movie before the book so it ruined it all. It’s a really good book but is a little gary at times, like the pigs head or lord of the flies. the lod of teh flies represents the evil on the island.
The pigs head is hte island and the flies are all the little boys destroying the islan, LIke the files are eating away at the Pigs head the boys eat away at the island, Its crazy a btu symbolism is soo important.