The Hundred Years War Effect On England And France

The Hundred Years War affected both England and France in similar areas, but had different results. When the war finally ended in 1453 England was faced with many problems. England had suffered minimal physical destruction of property due to the fact that most of the war was fought on French soil. The southern coastal land was the one area affected by physical destruction as well as the Black Death. While the Black Death is bad for the individuals it actually helped the southern coastal lands with population control.

While England didn’t suffer much physically they did suffer economically. Approximately 5 million pounds was spent on the war. England did try to help finance the war by raising taxes on the export of wool. The price became too high for countries such as Italy to buy. This had a major affect on the English economy.

Following the war England also had much change in its social behavior. Before the war, knights were looked at as noble people who were called upon by the government to help run local issues across the land. While they were at war the lands were lawless. The other soldiers returned from war as broken beggars, and did not end up with much more than mischievous ideas. The last area of impact in England occurred in politics. The impact was a positive one that created a strong English Parliament.

The assembly of the government as a unit with King. This was more of a long-term impact, but important in creating peace. France had similar consequences of The Hundred Year war in the depletion of the population, and false hope of riches for soldiers who chose to go to war. Physically France was affected more by destruction of vast farmland. The useless farmland as well as the reduction of trade to foreign countries and taxation caused many problems economically and socially. Much of the countries morale had been depleted, and the government was not helping.

The King did not want to form a national assembly in fear of losing his reign of power. Their were smaller assemblies throughout the countries, but there was never an assembly like the English Parliament. This was also caused by the differences of the citizens. Many of them would not even consider themselves as the French. The one thing that was a long-term implication for both countries was the idea of nationalism. Both countries felt bound by many aspects including The Hundred Years war.

In the end it seems that England did end up winning the war. While they did not gain any land except for Calais, they did not lose any either. They also grew stronger as a country striving through economic, social, and political grievances. At the same time France was divided by different ideas of what their country should be..