There are many traditions in our culture that we never question, although they seem very odd if we take them out of context and look at them in an abstract way. Not many people have wondered why we clap our hands like seals if we experience something that pleases us, or why we chop down a pine tree in December every year, pull it into our living room and throw glittery things all over it. Or why our society demands it of us, in one way or the other, that we find ourselves a mate and get married. These are all just things that most of us do automatically and nobody ever wonders why.
I’m a survivor To get married is one of those strange ritualistic phenomenons that humans consider to be a very natural thing and more than that. Not only is it expected, it is almost a social demand. Everywhere in the world the “single” that has passed thirty, is considered to be a bit weird and off the track and friends and relatives do their best to try and help out. Some wonder if he or she is gay and every single time the family comes together, the eternal question pops up: Are you seeing someone these days? For more than one reason, that we are going to take a look at in this article, it is demanded of us that we find ourselves a mate and as a result of that -get married.
Monogamy is the only accepted norm in the western world. Monogamy being when two people pair up and only get to enjoy sex with one another. Any exception from that is a sin, a shame and reason for a divorce. Polygamy, on the other hand, is when a man gets married to several women and polygyni is when a woman marries several men. To get married, weather it is to one or more individuals is not natural to us. No more natural than brushing our teeth, getting a haircut or decorating the Christmas tree, but it is one of our earliest social inventions.
To create a serious connection between two or more individuals in the form of a marriage or some kind of an agreement is something we started doing just after we got off the primate stage. The oldest systems were something along the lines of one dominating older male trying to get laid with as many females as possible to make sure that his genes would travel into the future with his descendants. By screwing around the male would have more chance of meeting at least one female that was ovulating. In the meantime, the females would try to get down with the younger, stronger, more fertile and healthy males to ensure that their offspring would be in fine shape. In this old system there was nothing that resembles monogamy nor polygamy, it was basic, pure and simple. The survival of the fittest.
Fittest meaning the fastest to get it up, get it in and spit it out! Always up to it The invention of marriage would probably never have occurred if it wouldn’t have been for certain biological changes in the female body. The menstrual cycle of most female mammals is limited to a short period of time when they are in “heat.” During those days the male mammal, which is always up to it, has to give it his best shot to get over the girl. A good example is the regular house cat. When in heat, the pussy cat howls and moans to let the guys know that she is ready to get laid. All the guys in the hood flock around her to see if they will have the honor to mount her. She shops around and finally chooses the one she likes the best.
Sometimes a few boy cats will get to share the first prize, depending on what kind of a feline we are talking about. What separates us human beings from the sexual behavioral pattern of other mammals is mostly the fact that human females are in heat for almost an entire month at a time, or the whole period apart from the few days when they menstruate. When women ovulate they become even more willing to have sex and they do show more skin and dress more sexy during that wonderful period. A very interesting investigation was recently done by a few students of the anthropology department at the University of Iceland.
They went out to a nightclub, photographed some girls and then asked them where they were in their menstrual cycle. The results were interesting. The ones in turtlenecks and wide black pants were either just about to have their menstruation or very close it. The sexy kittens that showed skin were either peeking on their ovulation or getting really close to it. Goes to show… you and me baby aint nothing but mammals, so let’s do it like they do on the Discovery channel.
No strings attached The male animal is more likely to be happy and satisfied if it can hang around with a female who is willing to have sex with them almost any time of the month. And that is exactly how the female human being is put together. The only female primates, apart from us humans, who menstruate monthly, are gibbons and they are the only primates (apart from us) who practice what comes close to monogamy. Most cultures see monogamy as one of the strongest foundations of a successful society and make a clear distinction between love and passion and the institution of marriage. The only known exception from this rule was one made by the Nayar tribe who lived on the western shores of India. Until the beginning of the nineteenth century, it was a tradition for young girls of the Nayar to participate in a sexual act after their first menstruation.
Young men of the tribe got down and dirty with them and if the two liked each other they could become regular lovers. If a girl became pregnant and had one or more children with a man, she was obligated to mourn him after his death, but apart from that single rule, there were no obligations. A complete opposite of the Nayar were the Nyinbars of Nepal. Those people had many different kinds of marriages; polygamy, monogamy and polyandry which is when one woman has many men, mostly brothers.
Sometimes the men could take on a mistress but that had to be with the wife’s agreement. Polyandry was the most common marital arrangement of the Nyinbars and what made them special and different from other tribes, therefore they took much pride in this practice. A marriage solves many problems that are uniquely human. For example it takes much longer for a human child to become slightly self sufficient compared to the offspring of other mammals and that process runs more smoothly if a man and a woman cooperate on the project. When we still lived in hunter societies sometimes had to go through long periods of separation and those periods could last for months. In spite of that people were still encouraged to get married and this encouragement could often exceed itself.
For instance single young men in Sparta were dragged around the altar and ridiculed by a group of single young women or they were forced to run naked around woods and fields, winter, summer, spring and fall, singing songs that made fun of their unmarried situation. Choice anxiety Most of today’s marriages end within five years. A lot of people become terrified of the thought that they will only be allowed to have sex with one person for the rest of their lives and this goes for both men and women. Maybe it is because of the endless possibilities and options that are held up to our faces every single day.
The options wary from weather we should become lawyers or lawn mowing men, get b, c, or d cups, go to Spain or Greece or see this or the other movie. There is always something exciting happening on the other side of the fence and it can be really difficult to not be allowed to taste, especially when the relationship is getting a little tired and romance is tic, tacking away. There are a few countries and cultures that have constructed a “norm” although nobody really talks about it openly. Among those are the French who are internationally known for their passion for passion and love of love.
The French don’t make too much fuzz about it if the husband or the wife take on a lover after years of marriage. By that time the kids are grown up and the institution runs itself on auto pilot. A good example of this is shown in a recent television commercial that advertises some car. We see a husband and his wife meet on a red traffic light, each in their own car. Just before the woman’s car pulls up next to his, she grabs the handle on the passenger seat to hide her young sexy lover boy. He gets lowered down and she rolls down the window, greets her hubby and we see them talk about a jacket that has to be taken to the dry cleaner.
As soon as she turns into the next street the camera goes over to her husband’s car who pulls up his passenger seat only to reveal his lover who is also a young, sexy, muscle man… Elvis swings his pelvis… here comes the sexual millennium Anyone who pays attention to the world that surrounds us must have noticed that a serious change of sexual morals has occurred during the past three to five decades. Changes like this have occurred with regular intervals since the year that the oil got frozen. Queen Victoria of England became famous for her sexual frustrations and how she shared them with her involuntary countrymen and women by setting a code of morals to suppress them too.
This frigid lady made weird rules on anything between heaven and earth or ass and elbow, and one of them was that women were not supposed to show neither ankles or chest. Anything but hands and face was considered seriously erotic and therefore everything but those two body parts should be covered up at all times with stupid looking outfits that couldn’t possibly turn anybody on -or what? The sexual change of the 20 th century occurred in the mid fifties to the early sixties and the development has moved at a fast pace ever since, either to our joy or annoyance depending on who we are and where we come from. It is beginning to become more and more clear that no more than half of us is of that monogamous nature which settles on having only one sexual partner “for the rest of their lives”, in spite of the fact that women are in heat almost throughout the month, and can with regular sex become pregnant year after year if that’s what is wished for. Recently I interviewed a taxi driver from a small city and she told me that the biggest surprise she found after she started the job was to discover how much people actually cheat on each other sexually. She said that every single weekend night she picks up passengers who are obviously having an affair on someone and not just one or two but sometimes half of the customers! What is the solution then? Get a divorce? Join a swingers club? Legalize polygamy and polygyni? Get therapy that deals with lust and longings or try to invent a system similar to the ones created by the French and the Nyinbars tribe? I don’t have the answer but I am certain that the future will reveal all and it will be fun to watch.