The period consisted of a variety of cultural, economical, social and political alterations. All of these factors were valuable in the evolving of the Italian states into more prosperous ones, from when they had once been gradually diminishing in all areas during the Middle Ages. Although to some degree, the Italian states progressed with social and political factors, without the economical factors, there would likely have not been such a remarkable era, which we have come to know as the Italian Renaissance. The mainstream of the society during the Italian Renaissance consisted of the birth of thriving cities and of powerful and rich rulers.
During this time, it was the exporting and importing that kept the cities active, provided money, and brought ideas that would help build Renaissance culture. The late Middle Ages had a time of gradual decrease of trade, which affected the states. However, through military efforts such as the Crusades, attacks that allowed the states to acquire land on the Mediterranean and be introduced to other cultures, helped revive commercial activity. Trade slowly began to increase and the towns were becoming more prosperous, population was increasing, and more trading ports were being set up along the trading routes. Having their towns strategically placed along the waters and major trading ports, Italy’s economy was sure to flourish. Such towns were based upon seignorialism, an agricultural system in which the primary economic and political relationship was between landowners and their tenants.
All of the money that amassed through commerce eventually became available for other actions, particularly banking with the Medici Family. The banking in Italy became the most influential element in helping Italy to become politically and socially stable. The bank would lend money to popes, rulers, merchants, and carried on a variety of other business enterprises. It accumulated huge profits that were used to finance political activity and to support cultural activities, which shows that without all of the economical endeavors in Italy, there would not have been such a successful Italian Renaissance, which would soon be challenged by rival countries in economical issues. Without the Italian efforts in trade, business, and banking, it goes without show that the Italian Renaissance would never have given rise. In order for it to have been as successful as it was, it needed to have a good economy, society, and politics.
Society and politics were even influenced by the economy. The money that was accumulated in the commerce did things like help to build buildings, and while trading, new ideas were gathered which gave rise to a better society. All of the economical factors were beneficial and although were very powerful, social and political factors were indeed needed as well to develop the Italian Renaissance.