American Pit bulls are the most humorous dogs you can have. Pit bulls are not vicious towards people as most people think about them. The permanent, vicious looking mug on their face is why some think this dog is harmful towards us human beings. Pit bulls can be the harmfulness animal a family can want but others think not. I would like to state that pit bulls should have equal rights the same as any other animal The American Pit Bull Terrier may well be a vanishing breed because the media intends to have them all executed. In “American Pit bulls: Off With Their Heads, Newsweek, 00289604, Vol.
117, Issue 22″ they are writing that all Pit bulls need to be executed because they are so called too vicious for the streets. People need to do their research on things before they just blurt out with something they know nothing about. These dogs are harmless and shall not be killed over say so of an individuals consent. These dogs have a life that need to be cherished just as any other animal, so I think, and should not be executed because of other out raged Pit bulls that are said to be vicious.
Most would think that these dogs are mean and have a furious temper towards human relish because how evil they look, but it is always said doesn’t judge the book by its cover. Cypher’s 2 These dogs should be considered as family dogs as well as fighting dogs. If you ” re treating the dog with loving care then you want have to worry about an out raged dog. If you would check the history of this dog, the American Pit bull, you would find that it was rare for them to attack humans. The history states they were loved by their owners and were purchased to protect homes. Today, this loyal, courageous breed is facing a hostile media, an unforgiving court system, and potentially, its own death.
Fighting traits have made the breed, American Pit bulls, know for violence. The wonders about these dogs being out raged will always occur because of the misunderstanding of this breed. Don’t speculate on what you hear ready the history and go by what you know.