Love For Hamlet Ophelia Father Play

Ophelia’s madness In William Shakespears’ play Hamlet the character Ophelia plays a very interesting and important role in the elaboration of the plot. In the very beginning of the play Ophelia starts off in as what one may say a “healhty” state of mind, very much in love with Hamlet. Also Ophelia was controlled by her father about her relationship with the young prince Hamlet, but was it her love for Hamlet or her father’s control that caused her to go mad? Ophelia’s father Polonius and brother Laertes strongly warn her about a relationship with the prince because they felt that Hamlet was mentally unbalanced. In my opinion Ophelia gradually becomes mad or “insane”, because of all the unfortunate events that took place with the people in her life. Ophelia was the only character in the play that was actually pure, innocent and loving, her great virtues may have actually been the root of her madness. Ophelia is use to relying on her father’s opinion and she was very obedient towards him, so when Ophelia’s father says “I would not, in plain terms, from this time forth have you so slander any moment leisure as to give words or talk with the Lord Hamlet.

Look to ‘t, I charge you. Come your ways.” (I. iii. 47-49). It is very clear here that Polonius is making a decision for Ophelia, regardless of her love for Hamlet.

Ophelia’s only response was, ” I shall obey, my lord” (I. iii. 49). Being obedient towards her father and respecting her brother Ophelia writes Hamlet a letter letting him know that she can no longer be with him.

As a result of her actions Ophelia starts to realize that she has no independence and starts to feel alone, at this point in the play Ophelia’s emotions start to contribute to her madness. After receiving the letter Hamlet is affected deeply, so when Ophelia finally sees Hamlet she is very frightened by his behavior Hamlet acted very strang holding her tightly and storming off, leaving Ophelia troubled and overcome with sadness, adding on to the many emotions that Ophelia had to deal with. Ophelia went to confide in her father to tell him about Hamlet’s strange behavior, not knowing that her father would use this to prove to the King that Hamlet was going crazy, after knowing that her father would use this to spy on Hamlet, Ophelia felt guilty. The next time Ophelia sees Hamlet, he rejects her and doesn’t listen to her he even screams at her, making her feel worthless and embarrassed, Hamlet screams hateful words like ” I loved you not.” (III. i.

131). At this point in the play you can tell that Ophelia becomes very disturbed as her father and King Claudius use her to find out more reasons for Hamlet’s insanity, ignoring her sadness, and pain. Ophelia being in the depressed state that she was in said, “O, woe is me T’ have seen what I have seen, see what I see!” (III. i. 133).

During this point in the play Ophelia is driven closer to insanity. What I believe drove Ophelia over the edge was the death of her father, and to make matters worse, was for her to find out that her one true love, Hamlet killed her father. After Polonius’s death Ophelia has gone completely mad she begins to sing songs to herself that don’t really make any sense to anyone but her. Through Ophelia’s song the reader can figure out her madness, when she sings about he’s dead and gone, she speaks of her father, and when she sings the song about a maid on St.

Valentine’s day, this helped me to understand that Hamlet was a great contributer to her madness, and even more when she sings, “Quoth she “Before you tumbled me you promised me to wed.” (IV. V. 209) You can tell by these words that Hamlet had slept with her during their relationship and promised to marry her. Ophelia has gone completely mad during this point of the play and she sings of rosemary’s and pansies, the last time her brother saw her.

While others in this played died because of their faults Ophelia died because of her obedience and loving to much. Ophelia was found dead in a river some say her death was an accident, and some say it was suicide, either way Ophelia was dead, while she did nothing wrong to anyone many wrongs were dealt to her, this is what causes Ophelia’s madness. Her love for Hamlet, and the way he treated her, and her fathers death drove her totally insane. Ophelia’s madness and all of the events that led to her insanity are key parts in the plot in Hamlet, were almost everyone dies and and no one seems to be in their right state of mind.