The Odyssey: The Book and Movie There have been many great books, which have been made into movies. The Odyssey, an epic written by Homer, has been made into a movie depicting the book, but the movies are not always accurate to the books. Some movies might have some important details missing from the adventures and these details can sometimes change the whole original story. In the odyssey there are many bits and pieces separating the book and movie. In the book after the Battle of Troy sail to the island of the Lotus Eaters, where they stay for a little while. The Lotus Eaters treat them well and offer them food and drink.
The Lotus-eaters offer them the rare and unusual flower called lotus and Odysseus’s men accept the lotus, and eat it thinking that it is food, but it turns out that the Lotus causes memory loss. In puts them into a trance where they have no cares. Odysseus’s men are forced off the island by the others and put back on the ship. His men were then put in to a stage of sorrow because they had to leave the Lotus Eaters. After sailing off the island of the Lotus Eaters they come upon the Land of the Cyclops, where they also face many trials and tribulations. When Odysseus and his men enter the Land of the Cyclops they enter the cave of Polytheimus and find food and drink.
They help themselves to everything, but they do not know what is going to befall them when Polytheimus enters. When Polytheimus enters his cave Odysseus and his men hide in the corner of the cave behind the sheep, but they do get noticed by Polytheimus. Polytheimus asks Odysseus for his name and Odysseus replies back saying his name is no man. Polytheimus holds them prisoners in his cave but Odysseus comes up with an idea. Odysseus gets Polytheimus drunk and then attacks him with a spear in the eye and then they escape from Polytheimus’s cave.
When Odysseus and his men are on the boat Odysseus taunts Polytheimus and for those words he hurls two huge boulders at the ship, and they both barely miss. Everything seems right in the movie, but instead of going straight to the island of the Lotus Eaters Odysseus and his men travel straight to the Land of the Cyclops after the battle of Troy. When Odysseus and his men are in the cave of Polytheimus, they do not hide in the movie. Instead they stand grazing up at the mighty Cyclops and when Polytheimus asks Odysseus for his name Odysseus said his name nobody instead of no man. Also when Odysseus tries to get the Cyclops drunk he has one of his men play the flute to relax Polytheimus before they attack, but that is not mentioned in the book. After they escape in the book Polytheimus hurls two rocks at Odysseus’s ship, but in the movie he throws only one.
After Odysseus loses all his men in the movie he comes upon Calypso’s Island. Odysseus ends up spending two years on the island and he shares love with Calypso for those two years, but after two years Zeus forces Calypso to let Odysseus go. Also in the movie Telemachus becomes destined to find his father so he sets sail in search of his father and he first goes to Sparta to have some questions answered about his father. There are also many differences in these parts of the movie as well. After he loses his men everything seems all right, but Odysseus never falls upon Calypso’s Island in the book. He never spends two years there nor does he make love to Calypso.
Telemachus is very anxious about his father, but he never goes to Sparta to get answers about his father. Often books and movies are often thought as being the same, but there can be many major differences. In the Odyssey there is places unmentioned in the movie, but there are extra things that are never mentioned in the book. The movie changes thoughts about the book and it can also changes some of the plot and setting as well. Odysseus’s adventure is flipped around in the movie and there are extra characters that we have no idea about until we watch the movie. Overall there are very major differences between the movie and the book..