The Roaring Twenties Time Change Women

The 1920 s were a time of social and economic change. While some people share the view that the twenties were dull and boring, others see them as a time of great change and with change comes great controversy which even today is said to be truly roaring. North America experienced social change; prohibition caused people to realize just how much they like to drink and started many now respected enterprises. The world lasted through a rough financial time of many years, which finally leveled out in 1939, teaching a lesson of financial caution to many people in the time. These changes were also accompanied by a change in rights, women were beginning to be seen as people, they could vote, they were persons and most importantly they were being viewed as possible employees in many more fields. Prohibition began in Prince Edward Island in the year 1900; it slowly spread until in 1914 the entire colony of Canada was sober.

That did not include the smugglers of booze of course, rum runners and bootleggers made a fortune in this time, transporting alcoholic beverages over the border all year round for a hefty paycheck. – smugglers ran until 1929 in Canada until prohibition lifted – they continued to run to the USA making huge profits – This exciting time gave birth to companies such as Molson and Labatt. The depression began when the over inflated stock market froze. Panic selling caused prices to fall horribly fast, and because of the high portion of people investing at the time with margin this was drastic. – money got to be very scarce, no one would spend unnecessarily – farmers of the time were well off because of good harvest at the time – work began to be hard to find – finally people began to spend again, jobs were created to supply new demand for products – all this commotion was very exciting, hobos rode the rails this gave Canada a time to seek its own identity as well giving rise to ideas of free health care and well fare as well – When the depression was beginning to fall away in the mid to late twenties waves of fads spread over the nation such as dancing, swallowing gold fish, monopoly and even six day bicycle races. This gave the twenties a reputation to roar.

There continued to be a strong Canadian movement for women’s rights from the early 1900 s into the 1920 s. – by 1922 women could vote, but with only one female MP their influence was not great – persons case of 1929 brought women to become persons, thereby being eligible to participate in any job. – Women still viewed as wives and mothers, new household appliances caused this view to strengthen – Liberation now able to uncover legs and arms more, drink and smoke in public even swear There was defiantly a huge amount of change in the twenties, political change as in the case of prohibition, economic change that caused the depression and a change in women’s rights for the better. All of this controversy and huge liberation of peoples habits caused the twenties to roar..