The Threat Of Anne Hutchinson

While many leaders were uneasy about the involvement of women outside the traditional female sphere, ‘s preaching that every individual had the ability to communicate with god posed a threat in Massachusetts. Massachusetts power and authority was based on its role was mediator between the congregation. Anne Hutchinson and her husband and family arrived in the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1634. The Hutchinson’s were seen as welcomed newcomers to their new community, “large because of William’s prosperity and Anne’s expertise in herbal medicines, nursing the sick, and midwifery” (33). Anne Hutchinson became very busy with, “in religion and theological questions, she was particularly influenced by John Cotton, a Puritan minister who was forced to flee from England to Massachusetts Bay in 1633 because of his religious ideas” (33).

Anne Hutchinson than began intervening with Antinomians which led to her trial, conviction, and banished of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Anne Hutchinson became interested in religious issues and began weeknight meetings, which were lead by her and was accompanied by Antinomians. Anne Hutchinson was brought to trial in front of the General Court of Massachusetts Bay. Governor Winthrop lead this case in determining the fate of Anne Hutchinson, “Privately, Winthrop called Hutchinson a person of “nimble wit and active spirit and a very valuable tongue.” ‘ (33).

Winthrop was determined to get rid of Anne Hutchinson no matter what it took to do so. The case started off with Mr. Winthrop, the governor, describing to Anne Hutchinson what was going on and why she was being tried. “Mrs. Hutchinson, you are called here as one of those that have troubled the peace of the commonwealth and the churches here; you are known to be a woman that hath had a great share in the promoting and divulging of those opinions that are causes of this trouble, and to be nearly joined not only in affinity and affection with some of those the court had taken notice of and passed censure upon” (35). Anne Hutchinson, after listening to this, becomes confused with why she is in court and for what she has done.

“I am called here to answer before you but I hear no things laid to my charge” (35). I was then explained that one of the reasons for her being there was because she has broken a law, which was the fifth commandment. She was also charged for having such religious meetings in her own home. “Why do you keep such a meeting at your house as you do every week upon as set day? … (37). Anne Hutchinson than knew that she had not transgressed in this aspect and rebutted her charge.

By rebutting the charge, she was further charged by Deputy Governor Winthrop, “Mrs. Hutchinson for that time she came hath made a disturbance, and some that came over with her in the ship did inform me what she was as soon as she was landed” (39). She was accused “of preaching a covenant of works rather than a covenant grace” (40). The governor than brings up “That there are six witnesses who say it is true and yet you still deny it” (41).

One of these witnesses was John Cotton, who Anne Hutchinson highly respected. He was called upon to testify against Hutchinson. Cotton did his best, “tried to defend Hutchinson, mostly saying he did not remember most of the events in the question” (43). Hutchinson believed that she was given a task by god, “God had compelled her to take the course she had taken and that God had said to her as He had to Daniel of the Old Testament, that “through I should meet with affliction, yet I am the same God that delivered Daniel out of the lion’s den, I will also deliver thee”‘ (45).

Even though Anne Hutchinson spoke the truth in her testimony at trial, there was still no avail. Governor Winthrop was still determined to do everything possible to get rid of her. As a result, she was then banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony and settled “an island in Narragansett Bay near what is now Rhode Island” (29). After her banishment from the Massachusetts Bay Colony, trouble still surrounded her.

“At the age of forty-five, she was once again pregnant” (47). This was not the only trouble. “In 1642, Hutchinson’s husband died, and she moved with her six youngest children to the Dutch Colony of New Netherlands in what is now the Bronx borough of New York City. The next year, she and all but one of her children were killed by Indians” (48). The Massachusetts Bay Colony felt that this was a sure sign from God’s wrath upon all her sins. The Puritans tried to hold their own by holding on to their power but it began to fail, “New towns increased the colony’s size make uniformity more difficult, Growth and prosperity seemed to bring an increased interest in individual wealth and a corresponding decline in religious fervor, sleeping during sermons, fewer conversations between young people, blasphemous language, growing attention to physical pleasures were numerous, as were reports of election disputes, intera church squabbling, and community bickering” (48).

Anne Hutchinson being a female and holding her own religious meetings in her own home became a threat to the people of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Many leaders were uneasy about her ability to communicate with God. This ability became a major threat to the Massachusetts people. Even by telling the truth, she still got what Governor Winthrop wanted, “banishment.”.